
Should this man be sent to jail for this comment?

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Basically, a politician (in Kentucky) made a friendly joke to a woman about her two girls, and he was sent to jail for it.

I'll say what he said first, and leave you at your own conclusions...

Mr. Hensley, in his own words, said: "I offered to trade her a fattening hog for those girls,"

Honestly, growing up in the midwest, I've heard similar jokes from the time I was 5.

It's a friggin' joke!!!!! I never fealt threatened, neither did my parents insist that I WAS threatened (As this witch of a caretaker did)??!!

Why is it HIS fault that this woman knows nothing about the area's culture?

He wasn't actually offering to buy the girls? There was NO reason to send him to jail? What did this happen?

Do you think that the accuser should have to spend jail time to recompense the time lost to this poor man who was just being neighborly?




  1. Unfortunately, many people do go to jail innocent and they're never somehow compensated for that. If the man was joking, why did the judge and the jury sentence him to jail? That may only mean that there's something wrong with the judicial system.

  2. omg.  i live in southern indiana near louisville and never heard this story!  i agree with you's a regional thing.  we say things in this area people in other areas either would misinterpret or just plain wouldn't understand.  i've heard that saying before.  i'm sure the man meant nothing about it.  it's a compliment.  means her children are good kids.  it's an old southern saying.  

  3. Cause they are all numptys!

    BIG DEAL he was bloody jokin!

  4. If you read the article, the man was arrested, he wasn't tried or convicted.

    If anyone is to blame it is the police. Since the man arrested was a politician, maybe the officer supported his opponent.

  5. What a waste of tax money. What the h**l is the world coming too?

    And 3 days? Really should have been sorted out after the first 5 minutes. Must say i've never heard that joke before though.

  6. lol well it wasnt nice but he definitely should not be sent to jail for that

    a bit harsh, wish our law was harsher in UK  

  7. that our tax dollars at work .What a waste of money.

  8. I wish this astonished me.  Our society truly is doomed.  Eventually you'll get jailed for smiling at children.  We've become utterly ruined.  Our hearts are black and we see good for evil and evil for good.  Kill a child in the womb, that's ok to do, as long as you're a doctor.  Don't be friendly to a kid though.

  9. to jail, no.  but if any stranger said something similar to my children, I would be upset.  in this day with all that goes on, you have to be careful.  as a native, you may know what these expressions mean, but visitors do not.  how did this woman know this man was being 'neighborly' and not a pervert?

  10. i would have done the same thing

    you dont crack jokes at someones  expense. that comment was rude callous and highly inappropriate.

    she felt threatened and felt the safety of her nieces was compromised

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