
Should this mother go to jail?

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i live in atlanta and on the news today a mother was sentenced to one year in jail because her teenaged son's girlfriend got pregnant and she took the girl to get an abortion. she lied to the clinic and stated that she was her mother.

here in georgia the age of consent is 16, but you have to be at least 18 to get an abortion without parent's consent. i think they should change the law. if you are old enough to have s*x then you should be old enough to terminate the pregnancy.

obviously, she was too scared to tell her parents. i dont think the lady should be in jail. WE HAVE TO TALK TO OUR CHILDREN ABOUT s*x AND THE CONSEQUENCES. ABSTINECE ONLY EDUCATION DOESNT WORK!!!! if we start communicating, maybe stuff like this wouldnt be necessary.

what do you think?




  1. yes she should go to jail.. a year may be a but harth though, id say 10 months

  2. That mother should have contacted the girlfriends parents, end of story!

  3. of course she needs to be in jail, wasnt her kid.she lied. broke the law. thats why we have jail

  4. Wow, I am shocked to see all of the people saying that the mother of the teen boy should be in jail.  I do not think she was looking at this as an irresponsible person.  She was looking at it as her child and this other child are not responsible...obviously.  That they do not want to have a child and want to terminate.  The girl was afraid to tell her parents for a reason that is not clear.  Who knows.  Obviously the teen did not want to be pregnant any longer.  At least the boys mother took her to a clinic where it was done in a sterile manner instead of some back room joint that are very well still going on.  Yes, it was wrong of her to lie.  Yes, she should have told the parents that the girl was pregnant.  But no I do not feel that a year in jail is warranted.  You have people that have done a lot worse than lie who have been sent to jail for a lot less time.   I personally do not agree with abortion, but I can see the boys mothers point.  How many grandmothers do you see raising children that their children did not want.  I know of three.  In their sixties with toddlers!

  5. why should she, i see nothing wrong with it.

  6. I think she should be punished, maybe not with such a long sentence, but something.

    The only reason I am saying this is because I had an abortion at the age of 19, and even then, it was easily the hardest thing I went through. I did not inform my mother about the decision until a few weeks later, and wish that I would have because I could have used her support. I know that I was older, but a mother deserves to know what is going on with their children. And though I do believe there is a great chance for anger or disappointment initially, if they are any kind of a mother, their biggest concern is their child's well-being. Who knows what sort of emotional turmoil this girl dealt with, and it had to be on her own, since no one in her home knew.

    I am sure the boyfriend's mother had the best intentions to help the girl out, but it truly was not her place. Instead, she should have offered to go with the girl to confront her mother, or something like that. And worst case scenario, what if the girl would have died as a result of the abortion?? The one year she is facing now pales in comparison to what she would be up against. As I said though, I definitely do not agree with her sentence of one year, but feel she should have to do something...even if it is community work.

  7. What exactly was she charged with?  I'm confused.  A link to the story would be appreciated.

    If she was charged and found guilty of forgery, then yes, she should be in jail.  She broke the law.  In Georgia, the penalty for forgery is 1 - 10 years in prison.  Sounds like she got what she deserved.  Other than that, I can't think of what they would have charged her with.

  8. should what mother go to jail???

  9. I think she should be in jail because she clearly broke the law. I think the law regarding parental consent is wrong, but that doesn't give you the right to break it.  She should have contacted the girl's parents and advised them of the situation. That is what a responsible parent would have done here given the law as it stands.

    I also think that a teenager who has the ability to legally consent to s*x, certainly can consent to an abortion without parental notification or permission.

    I think it's unreasonable that they are harassing the clinic that performed the abortion.  They were LIED to.  The teenager certainly could have told them that this was not her mother, but chose not to.

  10. I think she should ... it wasn't her place,how did she know getting an abortion was what was right for that girl and her family ?

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