
Should this question have been pulled down?

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"Deleted Question: Christians, if a Satanist came (uninvited) to your door and tried to convert you how would you react?

Question Details:

Violation Reason:Community Guidelines and/or Terms Of Service Violation"

How is this at all a violation of community guidelines?




  1. It's not. Not in the slightest. Especially since there's so many of those asking what someone would do if a Jehovah's Witness came to your door.

    Welcome to Yahoo! Answers, self-moderated by idiots. Woot.

  2. I agree with Footy...apeal man...that just shows how ridiculous people are on here at times!!  That was in no way offensive!

  3. more christians who don't want to even see a "hard question", let alone think about it!

    it is not a violation

  4. Yahoo deletes question all the time for little or no reason other than some over  sensitive jerk doesn't like the question.

  5. It's a fair question

  6. If you have read the Community Guidelines and/or Terms Of Service Violation you will see that almost any question or answer can be reported as someone may take it as an insult or other stuff.  

    Trust me I have been reported a few times and no appeal was granted.  Not once was my answer meant in a harsh way, but some people are thin skinned.  Just move on and post again at a later time.

    I also do not believe any appeals have been granted.  I believe a bot rejects you.  I sent an appeal in around 7:30pm to 8pm CST and received a denial by 9pm CST.  Do you think Yahoo! Answers has a 24hr appeal desk?

    As for your question.  I have kids and unless they were gone I would send the Satanist on his way.  Probably with a prayer on my lips for their soul.  If I felt inclined I might ask them in and have a discourse refuting their material with the Bible until they left discouraged.

  7. No way...appeal!  Appeal!

  8. Christians hate you.

    But they are forgetting one thing.

    The 1st amendment.

  9. I dont know, seeing on how Satanism is actual philosophical belief system.  It seems that Y!A is very particular about who they cater too, and who to believe.  

  10. Was this a question from yesterday?

    No, it was a simple question, that invited many answers.

    Mine would have been to tell him to go away. After hearing God's name, he would have no choice. Although, he wouldn't come to the door, he'd just be there.

    Feed them to the lions - I'm Christian and I answered this person's question. I don't hate. Please don't judge us all by one or two bad experiences

  11. I don't see how it's a violation. If was asked the other way around I doubt it would have been pulled.

  12. No I don't know how it is a violation. I got a violation for "chatting" when was not.  

  13. Its bloody ridiculous. When a question gets pulled, the People on YA answers dont even read the question. They just pull it on the strength of the moaning Numptys who flag it. If you appeal, then they will look at the content, and decide wether to uphold the decision.

    If your question is then deemed inoffensive, and re-instated, the people who flagged it are then at risk of losing their accounts, according to how many other innocent people they have flagged.

    This question is not even remotely offensive, so you should appeal, and get these ridiculous little would be Hitlers banished from YA once and for all. How can this be a free forum for expressing beliefs, and views, if people are restricted by the over-reactions of small minded bigots? Appeal, Appeal, and lets make YA a safe place for your opinions, whatever they are.

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