
Should this scare the people in the USA after Sarah Palin said this?

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"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's will."

And regarding the Alaska Pipeline:

"I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get the gas line built, so pray for that."




  1. That doesn't scare me. That's par for the course.

    What is scary is that there are millions of slaves who buy into ideas like that.


    Saying "muslims don't use God, they use Allah" is like saying Spanish people don't believe in God, they believe in "Dios" or that German people don't believe in God, they believe in "Gott" or that French speaking people don't worship God they worship "Dieu."

    ...people like this get offended when you call them ignorant...

  2. It scares me. I'm an atheist, and find all of this "God's will" thing frightening. That people actually believe that? A war? Drilling for oil?  

  3. Oh for heaven's sake (pun intended).

    I'm not a Christian, but I understand where she's coming from.  She is a Christian and in her context, she prays and she's asking for prayer.

    When someone is sick and says "Please pray for me" are they a religious fanatic?  An extremist?  No.  How about when someone says "We're taking a trip overseas next month.  Pray for safe travels."  Or when someone says, "I need to find a job.  Prayers please!"

    This is the same thing.  

  4. So she thinks the Iraq war is a "task from god".   That sounds more like something Osama Bin Laden would say "the war against America is a task from Allah."

    Over 4,000 use troops dead, over 100,000 Iraqis died over a "task from god".  

    Religion has no place in fighting wars.

  5. No. It doesn't scare me in the slightest because I understand it's context and I'm not trying to scare people who don't.

  6. She's very scary. I think she is evil and a bit nuts.

  7. Very scary. This war has nothing to do with God. It has to do with an insecure man wanting to one up daddy. Oh, and make tons of personal money while doing so.  

  8. "One nation, under God"

    "In God we Trust"

    it's nothing new.

  9. That sounds like a message from the Taliban.

  10. Yes, they do.

    But they also think you are to be converted, enslaved, or killed.

    Christians went through something of a change a few centuries ago, maybe you missed it?

    They don't do that kind of primitive junk anymore.

    Folks, educate yourselves, please.

  11. I wouldn't be scared of Palin. She is going to be the next VP. As far as Islamic extremeist use "God" in tgheir government, they don't use God, they use Allah.

  12. if she said that i missed it must have been looking at her s**y mouth move and dreaming of -------------------playboy-and lol did she say that no i don't belive it

  13. No it's not scary at all.  Seems to me your memory is extremely short.

    Almost every american president since George Washington has talked about God, used God's name in their speech and prayed to God openly.  

    But it seems like you have a problem with someone mentioning God, but could tolerate someone mentioning Allah.  

    I'll tell you what's scarry:  The open and bigoted anti-christian bias of the liberal left.  

    (And please don't say Obama is a christian because that would be quite laughable).

  14. Its really scary,  religious nut with hands on nukes.

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