
Should this woman finish out her prison sentence, after her escape 32 years ago?

by  |  earlier

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she has not been in any more trouble, managed to get a few college degrees, owns her own business, she wasn't really hiding since she never changed her social security number, and only changed her last name after marriage... what do you think? please see article below...




  1. Anyone who does this should finish their sentence

    would anyone be having this conversation if it was a black guy or some mexican? or not even color...just a guy!

    it does not matter what you have done since you still broke the law you should still serve your sentence

  2. If I rob you, and assault you, would you let me escape and get away with not completing the punishment?

  3. Every person convicted of a crime should do their prison terms.  I don't care what they may or may not have done in the meantime.

  4. Yeah she should finish. There are hundreds of other women who most likely didn't even do the crimes they were committed of doing. And they're still serving their sentences. Who cares if she's out of trouble? I would throw her back in the prison she belongs in. If she didn't want to get in prison and do what she has done now, then she never should've committed that crime.  

  5. "Legally" it would be a huge mess but "personally" I'd let her off.

  6. Is the primary goal of justice to be punitive or to rehabilitate? She has proven she made a mistake by living cleaner than most of us do for 32 years. Not even a traffic ticket probably. She has already paid a thousand times over by having to live a lie and spending every single day looking over her shoulder. Jail will be a relief.

    There is an old saying about " walking a mile in another person's shoes". Who among us hasn't made a big mistake one way or another in their life?

    Looks like compassion and forgiveness aren't worth very much these days - kinda like life itself.........

  7. she broke the law, regardless of anything else, she is a fugitive, and a liar. her own husband knew nothing? she lied all these years.

    sorry, she needs to go back to jail, in my opinion, just as any man would do. woman or not

  8. Throw her back in prison. She should have served her time and then made her life better. Or better yet, she should have stayed out of prison in the first place. What lesson are we sending if we let her stay out?

  9. By all means she should go back to jail and have an added sentence for escape. You do the crime, you do the time. She was out for 32 years and knew all that time she was breaking the law everyday by being a fugitive from justice. She is even more guilty now than she was 32 years ago. Send her back to jail.

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