
Should those who disagrees with our beloved leader be put on trial for crimes against our Mother Earth?

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Just listen to their lies, saying that our beloved leader would deceive us for monetary gain, can you believe such nerve?

After all that he has sacrificed to bring awareness to the most important issue the world has ever faced

Don’t they care? Don’t these people know that our very existence is in the balance?




  1. Global Warming is a SCAM.

    Mother Earth is the name of their new Religion.  Book of Revelations - One World Church.

  2. In 1996, during the same time Gore was running for reelection as vice president, claiming to be an environmentalist, the zinc mining operation on his property twice failed tests designed to protect water quality in the Caney Fork. The Wall Street Journal recently commissioned two independent laboratories to test the water in the Caney Fork, both of which concluded there were large quantities of barium, iron and zinc in the water, as well as smaller quantities of arsenic, chromium and lead

  3. wtf. just take some drugs and im sure ull figure it out urself

  4. Is Gore still a leader down there?  I thought the confused, disillusioned windbag left politics years ago.

  5. Tool.

    What's the guy supposed to do?  Live in a tent and bang on rocks?  All he asked you to do is change a freakin' lightbulb.

    If you don't have anything smart to say...

    The rest of us will go about taking steps to prepare ouselves for the future.  Go and pour yourself a gasoline coctail why doncha?  

    Your sarcasm is silly and transparent.  You should get a different schtick-- maybe go on a date or... hey, here's a concept...

    GET A JOB!

  6. I'm not sure who's dumber, you for writing this s**t question, or me for wasting my time answering it.

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