I've seen a lot of debate lately about how hard it is to get quite a number of teenagers to complete final years of school - and what to do.
Most of the suggestions come from people in the older age bracket and generally seem to be a view of the fact kids need to "pull their weight more" and "try harder".
But I think this is wrong.
Rather than trying to FORCE everyone to be at school and then go on to college and university - do you think it'd be an appropriate and better response instead to give those who don't WANT to be in school a choice - and instead, direct them to technical schools and trades?
It seems to me the general attitude is that you've done well if you DO finish school (as I did) - but if you leave early to be a tradesperson, you failed.
Yet - we lack skilled trades and workers.
So - should we overhaul school to give the option - those who want to stay, let them - those who want to go - let them, and direct them instead to more appropriate pursuits like a trade (plumbing, building, etc).
And - review the attitudes towards this so kids who WANT to work, not study, are supported - not belittled.
Sound like a good idea? If not - why not?