
Should trophy hunting be illegal?

by  |  earlier

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John de Witt, don't assume because I asked this question I haven't thought it through. I think it should be illegal, I wanted to know if others felt the same way. Don't be so quick to judge.




  1. Yes it should be illegal!
    Im very young,and trophy hunting has brought up many discussions in my english class.
    I,-along with most women,-believe trophy hunting is down right wrong!!!

    Girl:Trophy hunting is horrible!Killing animals for pleasure is morally wrong!
    Guy:Who cares what youu think?Youre just some stupid girl!all yall doo is paint your nails!!

    Sorry,just wanted to throw tht in there.Well,I seriously think this stuff should be illegal.
    How would you like it if it was the other way around?
    Animals killing us;Our heads on walls;our bodies beiing stuffed.
    ISNT IT S-I-C-K?!!!

  2. it is not illegal to hunt for trophies.

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