
Should ugly men only date ugly women and vice versa?

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From an evolutionary point of view and for balance in environment. What's your opinion?




  1. NO - think of the babies!!!

  2. If the stupid were with the stupid maybe Me Again would have a chance - they're not their - I would suggest if you are intent on dismissing people you should have a good look at yourself first.

  3. What an unbelievably stupid question.

    Shut off the  computer. Go outside, and get some fresh air.  

  4. Sometimes mis-matching brings out a very good-looking kid-i've seen it a lot. when we have parent-teacher interviews or other functions (not to disrespect my classmates parents or anything), a lot of the really pretty girls have unattractive-looking parents (either one or both). its not determined by looks, but rather, by health and genes.

  5. Looks shouldn't be the only reason why you are dating is in the eye of the beholder. Being "ugly" has more to do with how you feel about yourself (confidence). Beauty does not have a standard...everyone has something attractive about them because they are unique.


  6. even flyin high, 100  ft on the game,

    fly socity,  

  7. if ugly people only ever bred with other uglies they would create a new race of super uglies,so i don't think it's a good idea at all.that probably sounds bitchy but what the h**l.

  8. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and so is ugliness.  What one person thinks is ugly, another finds beautiful.  Some of my friends think the guy I like is ugly, and I think he's the hottest guy I've ever seen.

    And just because you don't conform to the media's idea of beauty doesn't mean you're ugly.

    And besides, pretty is as pretty does.  If somebody has a pretty appearance but is a total biznitch, I find them less attractive, and if somebody has a less than good appearance but has a good personality, they start to seem a little more attractive.

  9. No, I don't think ugly people should only be able to date ugly people. What if a pretty or Handsome person wanted to be with an ugly person. Its possible that people can date just because they like someones personality. And who would be the one to judge if someones pretty or ugly?  

  10. This is the dumbest question!

    Listen to your heart.

  11. There are several problems here: ugliness is an aesthetic issue - I have met many "ugly" people who were visually very attractive. Your statement smacks of eugenics and following that argument to its logical conclusion brings you to Hitler's "Final Solution". My opinion.

  12. The problem is that ugliness and prettiness are subjective values. What one person finds ugly, another will find pretty...and vice-versa. Not everyone would think that you were handsome/ugly or that your wife was pretty/ugly.

  13. You can't help who fall in love with!

    The way you're talking reminds me of a little man with a mustache who wiped out a nation!

  14. As the saying goes: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  What makes a person attractive or unattractive is different for everyone.  Making one rule for everyone regarding who should date/marry/procreate with whom is just bigotry.

  15. it depends on how you define ugly............

  16. stupid question.  

  17. any one should date any one they want..what we might call ugly someone else might call pretty so does it matter?

  18. I think it's best all round :)

  19. YES, and keep the fat ones of of sight & out of 'circulation' their hiddeous!  

  20. No, because if ugly people just kept making babies, eventually the uglies will take over the good looking people.

    Because ugly people tend too reproduce more!

    And if you had a ugly man, with a beautifull woman, the baby would be average!

    And then if that average person, had a baby with a beautifull person!

    It would eventually restore it's balance back to good looking!

  21. I dont think so.

    Think of it this way, Man has come a long way in evolving their looks from the evolution state. In Renaissance, the standard of beauty was having red hair, pale skin and have you noticed how the sculptors of nakid women were not 'thin' as today's women?

    I think that ugly men who date beautiful women are rare because not all men have that kind of confidence but its less likely that an ugly women could score with an attractive man because of how women compete with their looks more than men do with each other.

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