
Should unusual names be outlawed?

by Guest61859  |  earlier

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Should unusual baby names, such as "Talula does the hula in Hawaii" be outlawed?




  1. Yes I do.  Kids need good strong names.  There are too many people naming their kids whacked out names and the kids are going to grow up being teased.  As a parent, aren't you supposed to protect your children and not put them in a position to be picked on????

  2. who cares? its not my business if my neighbor 10 doors down names their kid sunshine, at least its respectalbe. but if they named him obama i would think terrorist. .  . .jk, i wouldnt talk to them

  3. I've heard a discussion about this before.

    Although I think that ridiculous names like "Talula does the hula in Hawaii" are ways for parents to get attention, are ludicrous, and possibly damaging to children due to bullying and teasing by peers, I don't think they should be outlawed. Only because how would you set the standard for what is too outrageous or unusual?

    It is a parent's right to give their children a unique name that they feel is important, even if the rest of the world doesn't agree. Most people would say that common sense would rule whether a name is too unusual, but "common sense" isn't something you can write into a law. And if a law is too general, it would be too easy for a racist prejudice to take effect, not allowing uniqie ethnic names to be given to babies.

    So, in this case yes, but in general it has the potential to become too invasive.

  4. I do, unlike every other answer above me, agree with you! Just not on the whole outlaw thing. I just think that people need to put more thought on how their kid is going to have to go all through school with a name that you just know that other people are going to pick on!

    Just like how Gwen Stafani named her kid "Apple". WTF? How weird!

    Or other people who name their children Nevaeh... Then they just HAVE to say "It spells Heaven backwards! - Like OMG!"

    I can't vent about this on here.. But that's all I have to say.

    Have a good day. =]

  5. That kinda takes our free will to an extent I think. If they did what would they do about everyone who is already named that? You can't very well make them change their name.  

  6. Yes, names that ridicule the child should not be allowed.

    I'm not proposing to do it like Finland, where you have a limited list of names you can choose from, but more like Germany (where I live).

    Here, parents need to have the name approved before it can be registered. Usually that's just a formality, but if you want to name your daughter Screwdriver Plumfairy, the court would reject it for the benefit of the child. Mom and dad could appeal that decision, but often they'd lose. And rightfully so. :)

  7. no. unusual names r awesome

  8. No everyone has different tastes.

  9. Well, in my opinion, I think "unusual" names may be result in a difference of culture. People from other cultures might name their children something that might come off as unusual to us, but in reality, is very common to them. Besides, parents should be able to call their children whatever names they want.

    ...However...if they name causes the child grief and trauma or offends anyone else because it's really obscene...I think a name change is in order for that child.  

  10. I think Tallulah does the hula in Hawaii is  horrible.

    But no, I don't think they should be outlawed.

    Who is to decide what it unusual? Or too unusual?

    I love uncommon names. Some of my favorites are Sybil, Iris, Calliope, Gideon, Raoul, and Melisande. I've been told that every one of those is unusual, but I think they're just not common, which to me is a good thing.

    My problem with Tallulah does the hula in Hawaii is that it's not a name. It's a sentence. It's fine to give your kid an unusual name like Melisande, or Moon Unit, (even if some people do think it's horrible and mean) but it's not ok to give a kid a goofy sentence or phrase and call that a name.


  11. If you live in NZ where tallulah does the hula in hawaii comes from

    then youll no that If they didnt change her name she would be taken off them. So they just called her Tallulah or something.

    And yes i think some of them are so stupid like celebrities names

    Moxie crimefighter

    Pilot Inspektor

    Peaches honeyblossom

    Like wat the h**l?

  12. who cares?

    let people name thier kids whatever they want..

  13. Tallulah is actually an old name of American Indian decent.

    However I do tend to agree with you that some names should not be considered.

    Outlawed names ..No.

    Parents without common sense  and selfishness.......Yes

  14. yeah! it scrazy but freedom of speech i guess! i feel bad for the kids!

  15. You can't do that, but some people should be forced to change their name to the ame they gave their kid and see if they still think it's such a great idea.

  16. i think that parents deserve to name the child whatever they want...but some names that are not names....for example if a parent wanted to name there child a swear word or something vulgar just for the heck of it then it should.

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