
Should us British People....

by  |  earlier

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have a mass exodus to spain ...

its done nothing but rain !!

anyone else fed up of British weather?





  1. yes!! but we are to polite to complain but a hot cup of tea warms me up.loll

  2. I know it's horrible!  Just stop raining!  I'm sitting here in a jumper and it's august!

  3. yes!! i'm fed up too!! but i think there are already too many Brits in Spain..i reckon we should buy some undiscovered tropical island and live there. sun, sea and sand..perfect!!

  4. I'm American, and am sick of the hot weather, especially for marching band!  I'd trade for England anytime, I love England.

  5. I prefer to stay in our lovely England and weather the current rain / showers. Don't let it grind you down, it's soon going to be sunny again..... Peace and respect to you my friend.

  6. Yes. But at least it’s been better then last year. And I think next year will be much better and the summer after that will be awesome.

  7. I live in Ireland, im pretty fed up too! :(

    Its raining as i speak :'(

    lol so yeah ill come too if ye do ;)


  8. I'm 62. When you've been around as long as me you'll get used to it.

  9. If the Brits are so eager to migrate somewhere nicer than England, they should stop complaining about us foreigners moving into this country. Or does the whole world belong to you?

    But yes, the weather's ****, the food's ****, the government is c**p. I'm thinking of moving to Spain some day too. You can smoke weed legally there!

    [Edit] hehe, it's censoring the word $hit but not c**p.

  10. Lol.

    Woop, go Aust!

    "English people are depressed and soft on drugs"

    Sorry if i offend. Not MY quote, its just rather funny. You know.. with all the rain that makes people feel depressed and with the drugs i cant remember. Ahh.. good ole film workshops.;...

  11. Your so very lucky to have such a problem. The world will soon be in chaos because of the lack of clean fresh water.

  12. Can I point out, that most summers are like this... we get a glorious May a so so June/July a c**p August and a so so September and a sunny October

  13. fuuuuuuuuck i live in Canada and it's raining !!! i wanna move to Australia or US !!!!!!!! :-(

  14. I'm fed up with the rain but Spain - no thanks I'm off to Northern Cyprus for some decent weather and beaches that are NOT packed with loads of other people.

  15. Yeah, ur bloody affirmative

  16. ill trade you come to orange county california and ill take all the rain in were ever u are bring ur sunscreen  

  17. nope. i love the rain. so i like British weather.

  18. no, i think the spanish are probably already pretty fed up of us brits invading their country.

  19. No only the people.

  20. I think they should do as they do in the walkers crisp advert and tow us to the equator

  21. id move today if i could im sick of this depressing weather too

  22. i would move to Australia,the weather's much better there than spain.I'm fed up of this so called summer we're supposed to be having too.Thank god the kids are back to school in a couple of weeks,they've been bored out of their tiny minds.

  23. I've loved it this year - no need to water the garden. :-) Ideally it would be sunny every day and then rain at night.

  24. Greece is Nice, Bring lots of money.

  25. yup the weather sucks, as normal...

    I wouldnt go to spain mind, i'd go to japan to akibara where there is a shed load of arcades and all the ramen noodles i could eat!!!!



  27. I believe Spain is already home to a lot of British people; perhaps they don't want anymore.

  28. lol @ you kids who wanna come here to Australia.

    It's 1.7 degrees celsius where I am right now.

    1.2mm rain

    Forecast for tomorrow is rain, 3-9 degrees. Same for monday. Tuesday is 1-11 degrees. Still rain. Wednesday.... 3-12 degrees.... still rain.

    You'd be escaping rain to come to cold, wet and more rain :P

  29. Hm. When I think of the amount of us Brits who complain about 'foreigners coming to our country and taking all our jobs/benefits' etc... And let's face it when we're not moaning about the rain we grumble about it being too hot and hosepipe bans (remember them? you'll be getting all nostalgic in a minute), the state of the economy, the price of milk/bread/fuel, how the government should do something/the Nanny state, schools/teachers/unruly pupils, lack of discipline/children's rights/paedophiles, young people/old people, the criminal justice system/overcrowded prisons, the NHS, roads, taxes.

    I could go on and on and on. Let's face it we do love a whinge, so what'd we do without our crappy weather in another country? We'd have to find something else to moan about - that's what!!!

  30. yeah

  31. I hate this weather!!!!

    But Id rather go to America. :P

    I think Spain have had enough Brits invading!

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