
Should vegetables be kept alive?

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people whose minds have left them and whose bodies are useless




  1. I would not wish to be artificially maintained in such a manner. My husband and I have discussed to what degree we would wish to be assisted and have made living-wills to those effects.

    My father suffered from MS and had several restrictions on his medical care at his request. He decided to refuse care when he was done fighting.

    While I understand why people do it; I think it is selfish to keep someone "alive" merely because the "healthy" family want a body around.

    I think "quality of life" is  an important part of living and to prevent someone from completing their life and moving on to whatever is next is cruel. Sort of like keeping a child from growing into a teenager. (I saw an article about families with severe disabilities giving them anti-growth drugs to "keep them manageable in size". Disgusting.)

    Death is scary for some people and I can understand how some people would wish to be kept alive at any cost. I also understand being hopeful that medical progress will eventually cure a loved one (but would think it acceptable only in cases where a cure is eminent).

    I suppose it should all come down to personal choice; shouldn't it.

  2. the cost of 24 hour skilled nursing care would be outrageous. it would be putting money into literally nothing. i've seen people that keep "vegetables" alive, and even though there isn't much there, i can feel that those people want to die and go on to a better place. of course, you need to make absouletly sure there is no brain activity before anything like that should ever be considered.

    nontheless, i think this is something everyone should discuss with thier spouce or family before it happens. then, it would be a personal choice and there wouldn't be nearly as much guilt involved.

  3. A subject that should be talked about if this ever having a living will......hard question.  Do we make that decision or does a higher power if you believe in one and how does the family know....any brain activity?  Never want to be in that postion to have to decide that....

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