
Should video be acquitted for the false conviction of killing the radio star?

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in the Buggles Vs video trial of the early 80's which lead to the birth of MTV, video got a bum rap for murder one of the radio star

but now with the advent of internet streaming,itunes,live 365 and satellite networks such as Sirius, radio is alive and kicking more than ever

has tv been absolved of killing cinema in the early 50s?




  1. This is from the official affidavit that inspired the "Video Killed the radio Star":

    At 3:30 AM witness saw Radio leaving Studio 54 surrounded by his entourage. It was at this point that Video noticed Radio and decided to try and join the entourage. Radio noticed the new comer and asked them to leave. A fight ensued in which Radio was seriously armed and knocked into a coma. [ author's note: a coma it is still in today]

    As many of us may or may not know the case was never fully settled, but the public opinion was swayed by the song.

    Oddly enough while doing some research i found this from November 1994 :

    Video, possibly best known for "killing"  famous media mogul Radio Starr, has overdosed and fallen into it's own coma.

    The article goes on to talk about it's replacement by youth oriented "reality" tv. By last check Video has also never come out of this coma.

    On the question of the acquittal, seeing as the murder didn't really happen, and that the assault and resulting coma are more or less a victimless crime, I would have to say that we should drop the charges, especially seeing the recent state of both medias.

  2. i LIKE THE WAY YOUR MIND IS WORKING.  Oops caps.  I don't use the satRAD.  tV has dumb downed the expectations of cinema.  ON that note I really enjoyed 'Into the Wild"  saw it last night and it was mind-altering.

  3. it served it's time and got out

    regards x kitti x

  4. No, but the internet should be indicted for killing the video star.  Video games should be brought up on charges for killing the movie star.

    And computers should be arrested for killing the local radio star.

  5. Video should definitely be acquitted for "killing" the radio star because as we are now witnessing based on the iPod, streaming, satellite radio, with terrestrial radio basically offering NOTHING MUCH to those under the age of 25, radio, as we see it, is committing "suicide."

    We can take it back to the Deregulation Act of 1996 which basically allowed companies to own more than one station in any given market.  Companies were gobbling up stations left and right thus eliminating competition, so to speak.  In the process, formats that were unique to given markets were dropped, all of the terrestrial stations seem to "play it safe" with cookie cutter formats with names like "Jack", "Mike", "Pete", etc.  Even with HD radio, terrestrial radio is offering NOTHING innovative to entice people to want to get their product by trying new formats on the HD stations.

    For people such as myself that like specialized formats (dance music is what I crave), we HAVE to go to satellite, iPods, Internet Streamers...and terrestrial radio is scared as c**p about it!  That's why the Copyright Royalty Board was trying to whack the Internet Streamers (basically on Live 365) with increased fees per song, prorated back to January 2006 as a means to "kill them off".

    The older generation that still listens to radio will "die off" and since people in the younger generation are stuck on the current and alternative technologies....unless you want news, radio or certain formats for people "of color" that may not be able to afford an iPod, radio will be "dead".  And they did it to themselves....not music videos.  Though MTV should be put on trial for killing videos....I see the prosecution calling Justin Timberlake on the stand right now!

    TV killing cinema?  Actually, the threat might have been there back then but the cinema has held up strong!  The DVD pirates will be the ones accused of killing cinema since they would get releases out of current movies and people will buy them on the cheap instead of going to the theater.

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