
Should violent teanagers be sent to war?

by  |  earlier

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are we sick of the idiots?




  1. Yes, cannon fodder is all they're good for.

  2. And teach them to be more effectively violent???    That sounds like insanity!!

  3. Once again, people who have never served in the military have no concept of the kind of discipline, fortitude and loyalty that it takes to make a soldier/marine/sailor. Forcefully enlisting kids who are  out of control and hoping that they will be used as some kind of front line suicide troops makes no sense at all. They would just desert at their first opportunity, or worse turn on their fellow soldiers. Is this the kind of military you really want defending your country. There is no magic way to "rid" society of these youths. Certainly making them the militarys problem is not any kind of solution.

  4. Yes!Stick them on the front line!!

  5. And yet another stupid question.  A soldier is a trained and highly respected guardian of our country, and do not want to be backed up by 'Violent teenagers', and all wars are illegal, as they are all started by the same Elite few, for greed and power, who sponsor both sides to creat wealth at our expense.

  6. Too right. Put what they're best at to best use.

    They should take a leaf from the German Army back in WW2, form penal regiments and send them where the worst S**t is occuring.

    British forces are now operating beyond their capability - it's time to tap this wealth of "talent".

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