
Should visas be put on hold?

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stats show of the 9 million* issued in 2005 over 1/3 of the people did not leave when the visa expired and just hid out. Even at 2 mill that's 20 million every ten years, then add the 4.5 million that came in across the southern border in 2005*. Then Clinton almost tripled legal immigration to 2.5 million, although Bush has since cut to 1.5 and then to 1 million last March. But that's just too many folks for us to take on.

*Outrage d**k Morris




  1. It is time to drastically cut the number of student, employment, and other visas issued.  It is time to drastically reduce the number of legal immigrants allowed entry.  And it is time to eliminate immigration-law violators -- they need to depart or be deported.  We have thousands of citizens being laid off and replaced with H1-b visaholders, for example.  Each foreign student costs taxpayers $1.5 million, and we don't have the money to educate our own kids.  And our population growth rate has exceeded "impoverishing" levels (any population growth rate of 0.5% or more is impoverishing) for over 30 years now, which is why real (inflation-adjusted) per capita income and wages have declined over the past 30 years.  It is time to put a lid on immigration.

  2. YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!

  3. We really need to crack down on the once that come here and conveniently forget to leave.Our immigration system is overloaded and the liberal immigration Lawyers do anything to keep them here.

  4. i think for now cuz there are to many weirdos coming into this country all over.

  5. I would rather have the 1 million here who have taken the proper tests and have been paying the tax dollars to our economy then the 12 million who have not and are not.

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