
Should visual artists be entitled to a royalty every time a work is re-sold?

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Should visual artists be entitled to a royalty every time a work is re-sold?




  1. should ford get a commission every time someone resales their car?

    Art is usually bought and sold at auctions just like any other valuable, antique or investment.  

  2. Depends on how the intellectual property was "sold" in the first place.  With few exceptions, I retain the copyrights to all of the art work I sell.  I created it, and, by law, it is mine.  The contracts I draw up between me and my clients specify, pretty specifically, just how they can use my art.  Sometimes it is for a specific use, number of copies, or, for a limited time.  Any use beyond those specified in the contract and the client must renegotiate with me for license to use them, again.

    In rare cases, by images are sold outright to the client.  In those cases, it is theirs and I have no say in how the images are uses.

    Same is true for writers and other artists.  The publisher, who purchases rights to a book or story can't expect to make unlimited use and money from the work, without compensation to the writer.  Do you think J.K. Rowling didn't get any money for the film rights to her books and characters?

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