
Should voting be changed from a civic responsibility to a duty?

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Why or why not?




  1. We can't legally force someone to vote but incentives can be put in the system to get people out to vote.  One big incentive is only nonvoters and those who vote for an entitlement tax would be the only ones to pay it.  The bleeding hearts would go berserk.

    Another thing, people who receive government assistance should not be allowed to vote until they have been off assistance for two or more years.

  2. This is a country of choice. You cannot force someone to vote if they do not want to utilize that right as a citizen.

  3. no; do you really want people to be forced to vote when they don't have a clue? bad enough that people who vote voluntarily now frequently don't know anything about the candidates or the issues.

  4. Forcing people to vote would not increase the sense or meaning of democracy. It is a privilege to vote, and those who don't want to utilize that right and privilege I personally would not want voting anyhow. There is no way to ensure that they make an informed vote, and why would you want somebody marking any box because they are forced to do so? There are so many people already who don't take the time to read up on all of the literature prior to their voting. Many listen to the radio, news stations, paper, and make decisions based only from those media outlets. That is not an informed vote. I would rather have those not voting either. Voting is a serious responsibility that too many people take lightly because of the fact that it is constituted as a right. The votes that you place are going to affect your lifestyle, the way the country is run, your local government, your state government, and even the city government. While the US is technically an indirect democracy, our votes still act as a very large voice--one that cannot be ignored.

  5. I would like to see that happen, although I don't think it will. It ticks me off that they can force me to go to Jury duty and then they let such an important issue as voting become a choice. People fought and died for the right to vote, whereas jury duty is a total waste of my time.

  6. It should be a duty.

    But people who are mentally ill or mentally retarded should not be able to vote.

  7. Actually I think those two have the same meaning. A civic responsibility is a duty to society.

    With that said, I think you are asking if voting should be mandatory.

    Hum... tough question. I've never really thought about it; but, I do think that is a very good idea. Actually, an excellent idea so my answer is YES.

  8. No, America has to many people voting already that do not know whether they are afoot or on horseback! George W. Bush is a prime example of just how little voters are able to tell a liar when they see and hear one or how to pick the lesser of two evils in an election as this is all the choice there ever will be with money determining who runs and gets elected in any election, be it local, state, or federal . Most voter's who do vote, vote a party affiliation, not the candidate and do not have any idea what they stand for or their past track records concerning issues. George W. Bush had high-ratings from the American people in the polls, but now feel he is not a good president and his ratings tanked. George W. Bush was a silver-spooned, spoiled brat, moron since day one and those that voted for the idiot once or twice ought to take an IQ test and see just how deficient they are in the logical thought process and how serious of a mental disability has afflicted them, along with when, where and how! George W. Bush cannot even pronounce a single sentence without straining his what amounts to a pea-size brain. George W. Bush is no great American leader....he is a trouble making liar who could not tell or know the truth if it slap him up-side his thick skull. He wanted to play Commander-in-Chief during a war...put on the garb and say "Mission Accomplish", then haul his sorry butt back to the Oval Office leaving the honorable U.S. military personnel to deal with his inept policies and decision to attack Iraq! To defend George W. Bush is to swim deep in one's own ignorance! Whoever is elected after him will spend another two terms just trying to undo his legacy of tragedy! George W. Bush should be given credit, where credit is due, he has done more to destroy this nation, it's people and future, than all the other U.S.presidents combined!

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