
Should we abolish the monarchy in Britain? and make britain a republic?

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I am fed up of this pathetic royal family, wasting tax payers money and keeping up their ridiculous hierarchy. I would like to see them expelled from britain aswell, as they are all german. Look at history and you will know I am right. Chop their heads off if you want, just get them out.




  1. Why don't you move to a republic instead?

  2. Be careful what you wish for....

    The plans for the eventual British Islamic Theocracy are well underway.

  3. Absolutely not.

    First of all 'Pathetic'? Wherever Her Majesty goes, anywhere in the world, meeting the worlds most powerful people, they all are desperate to speak to her, heads of all the worlds countries would give anything for a private audience with OUR Queen. Pathetic does not apply here!

    Secondly 'Hierarchy', what exactly do you think will change with the removal of the Monarchy from this country? You will become our next Sovereign, the Goverment will share the countries wealth and give you a house, a car and a butler? The rich will stay rich no matter who is our head of state, including the head of state themselves. President, Prime Minister or Queen. The UK has always had a class system and always will, only the uneducated believe that will change. New Labour can rename it all they want.

    As for being expelled from the country, for such an avid fan of history surely you realise that doing that to Monarchs hardly works out, so many Royals are now back in their palaces despite not sitting on a throne. (Bulgaria and Romania and Serbia to name some)

    The Windsors are the Royals of 16 inderpendant countries scattering every continant on this planet. The Crowns of these countries are legally sperate abolishing the Crown of the UK would still see Her Majesty as Queen of 15 other countries, many of which would welcome the Windsors with open arms.

    'German'? The Queen is decended from the Kings of Wessex and the Royals from when the small Kingdoms of the British Isles formed England. I'm pretty sure Her Majesty the Queen is more British than you are.

    As for spending tax payers money, it wasn't the Queen spending our taxes on new kitchens, second homes and TV liences.

    Keep reading your history books.......

    God Save the Queen

  4. I am American so maybe my opinion does not count too much. I would hate to see the Monarchy go in England, because there is some humor (or to you Brits, humour) there. But I can understand if you wanted to end the money grubbing of the Royal family, they are the richest people in Great Britian, no wait, the gal who wrote "Harry Potter" is richer now, but anyway they take an awful lot of your tax money. As for them all being German, if you go back far enough, at least from the standpoint of an American, everybody started out somewhere.I don't think they have been German, at least the actual Monarch since the 1700's, although a lot of queens and Prince Albert, and maybe Phillip were. But I think the wars between Britain and Germany are over, so that should be OK. But I do think at some point in the future an election, as you would say, should be called. Probably the Monarchy would be kept, but maybe not. It should be up to the people paying for it.

  5. No,presidents are no good,look at Bush,yada yo

  6. Sure, then end up like America,in a recession and 10 trillion dollars in debt.No thank you we have managed for hundreds of years the way we are, it works , as they say " if it ain't broke don't fix it"

  7. Yes .It's a disgrace that british soldiers are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq so the people there can elect their own Head of State when those soldiers do not have the same right in their own country

  8. The monarchy may take up tax payers money but does generate a lot of revenue from tourism.

  9. No. Don't throw what you have in hand. The Queen works hard even though she is past her retirement age. Respect that.

  10. You really do need to do some research.  They cost us pence per head year, so I don't know what you are on about 'wasting taxpayers money'.  They actually generate more income for the UK than they take - people should really stop reading the Guardian and other left wing papers - they are biased and bend statistics they way they want people to believe.  Don't believe everything you read!

  11. Get a grip! Our monarchy may be all those things you say but they are ours and have been around for centuries, too true that the house of Windsor is originally from Germany but i defy anyone that states all our monarchs are of a foreign persuasion.

    The monarchy do you no harm and Prince Phillip provides this country with alot of laughs. They are just normal people with normal problems (alcoholism, drug addictions, affairs, strange deaths etc) that just happen to be royalty.

    Leave the Queen alone she gives hope to many in this country.

  12. Certainly not.

  13. Yes we should the Monarchy make this country a laughing stock throughout the world  

  14. Anything is preferable to the presidential pantomime that we get in countries such as "you know who".

  15. AE, you really should have a good think what the options are. You go on about the minor royals however it would be a good bet that Blair would have been our president over the last ten years wowee wouldn't that have been fun? what about his kids are they any better?? The Monarchy is vital for the checks and balances that keep our democracy what it is, remember the old Eastern Europe that's a model of what the left wingers want us to be like never mind that it failed in a big way.. I agree with all Sheetwow and Olivia say.

  16. Well I won't get a best answer for this so here goes.......

    Firstly get your facts straight.

    They cost each TAX payer 63p per year(and by the tone of your question, I question whether you are a tax payer)

    If we had a president it would cost a lot more than that to keep him/her safe and peolple would not come to the country to see a president and so would not generate the income

    They generate more money that I pay them each year 63p from my tax

    They are not German, they are British, their descendents were German and if you are British, there is a high probability that your descendants were German too

    The British Monarchy is something to be proud of, lots of countries are envious

  17. Britain isn't really a monarchy, they are a representative democracy. A Representative democracy is a form of government in which representatives elected by the people make and enforce laws and policies; may retain the MONARCHY in a ceremonial role.  

  18. yup, they do NOTHINg.

  19. I am even more fed up with the pathetic republican whiners,who are under the absurd assumption,that they are speaking for the whole country.The royal family is not German,their ancestors may have been but the present Monarch is not.How far can you trace your bloodline back before it comes to an immigrant?No,you may go if you want but,they stay.

  20. Yeah definitely..I mean do they really do anything useful?

  21. No.

  22. I like the Monarchy system. The Queen is an important part of our English culture and as for them being German I think you'll find alot of white people in England are of Anglo-Saxon (germanic) descent.  

  23. YES!!!!

    Share all their money out to the poor families in Britain working as toilet cleaners eating corned beef hash for dinner.

    I would never call the Queen "Your Highness" I don't believe ANYONE is better than ANYONE.  Why should anyone have to curtsy or bow to another human being?  It's a disgrace.

  24. Who is 'We'? You? Go on then, do it.

  25. And of course all our social, economic and political

    problems of UK will be solved immediately when some over ambitious politician with his eye on a lucrative EC post is on the horizon.

    And th eother leg has a few bells tied on by the pig which flew overhead  

  26. We've already tried a sort of republic thing here in England under the leadership of the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell MP.

    Some people think this was just a dummy run for the American Revolution which happened just over a hundred years later.

    Some truth in that, since it is Puritanism which was at the root of the American  Revolution or War of Independence.

    Think a very high percentage of folk here in UK will disagree with you about a UK republic.

    What most people want is a settled situation and there's no doubt that Royalty settle every situation in end.  So long as we have a Monarchy and a Monarch as head of state of UK, there is no chance of a despot taking over control of our nation.

    God save the Queen.

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