
Should we add more requirements for President and US senators via Constitutional Amendment?

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Every four years in the US, an election to determine who will be made President of the United States is held. However, sometimes the electorate end up regretting about the person who they voted for (Ex: Carter, G.W. Bush). I am also angry at the fact that people vote for someone not whether they would have the experience for the job or are in touch with common mainstream people (as in they do not associate with the likes of Bill Ayers) but because they are good orators (ex: Clinton). I would like to amend the constitution and increase standards for those seeking election to the Presidency and Senate (though I believe requirements to be US Representative should be left alone). Some requirements that I would like to see would be that a person must have graduated from college and also attained a law degree (both Pres. and Sen.), must have served some executive position (Ex: Governorship, Lt. Gov., Mayorship, etc) (Pres. only), served in the military and other require. What would you like?




  1. your requirements essentially disenfranchise citizens that do not have those requirements.  your requirements say that lawyers are more important, that college grads have more rights, and that only political insiders can be president.  Let me ask you a question.  do you not see how your requirements could become a problem? If you think about long and hard, you will see what I mean.

    I think an IQ requirement is reasonable.  I also would like to see political fund raising requirementss that deemphasize the power of special interests..and require that the candidates generate a donor base of at least 700,000 contributors who donated no more than $200.  I also would like to lower the max political donation from $2300 to $200.

    If candidates can meet the 700,000 donor requirement and raise at least $20,000,000 from the 700,000 then they would qualify for federal matching funds of $1 for for every $2 they raised themselves.

  2. I agree that we should add more requirements for President.  I feel that a person planning to run our country should have to serve a specific amount of time in our military.  If you're not willing to fight for our country, why should you be allowed to run it.

    I also agree with having to serve some executive position.  This is the only way to gain experience.

    I don't feel that the person should have a law degree.  I think they should have knowledge in law but not a degree.  A college degree should be a must.

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