
Should we adopt a vote by mail system like the one they have in Oregon and have the highest voting percentage?

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You get your ballot sent to you a couple weeks ahead of time . This gives you time in the privacy of your home to research the issues and the candidates and then you simply mail in your ballot. I know many people are starting to vote absentee for this very same option in other states, but why not just use this method nationwide




  1. We did this as an experiment in certain parts of UK including my own City. It was so open to abuse and in some cases abused by certain local politicians at least on of whom was gaoled ythat I hope it is never repeated.  Most places in the city have a polling station near to places of residence so there is little excuse for not voting if someone wants to. Most of the candidates offer free transport with no obligation to the polling station for those who are old and infirm. My own view is that if you can not be bothered don't vote but don't moan about the result when a party of no marks and wierdoes gain office.

    There is a story of an odd ball party known as the Monster Raving Looney Party getting a Council seat by default . The person elected actually did a better job than the regular councellors

    Nice story I hope it is true

  2. Being from Oregon and having voted this way for years I would say yes!  

    No malfunctioning Diebold machines, no hanging chads, no waiting in lines, no having to find a place to park, no id problems, everything is backed up with a paper record, votes are counted by scanning machines, no fraud.  

    What is not to like about it?

  3. No.  As far as I'm concerned, if you're too lazy to get out of bed and get to a voting booth, you don't deserve to vote, anyway.

  4. h**l no, too many people would vote a hundred times or more and don't say they can't cause they'd figure out a way to do it.

  5. Why not, we do not have a participator democracy anyway, we might as well hand everything to the capitalist pigs.

  6. No it's too hard to prevent voter fraud as it is.

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