
Should we all stop recycling?

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why do we recycle? in michigan, they import trash from other states, even canada. So if we are keeping things out of landfills, arent we just saving space for foreign trash?




  1. Don't be such a cynic. You could do a lot to reduce or reuse, or just consume less, that would be SOMETHING at least.

  2. Well basically they find it a way to generate cash for the counties and the towns where the dumping is done. but what they don't know is when your landfil is full guess what you have to pay more to dump yours some where else. The whole world needs to recycle. Just not sections of it.

  3. Recycling isn't just about reducing landfill. It's also about redefining the value we place on things. We live in a disposable society and so much of what is manufactured is replacing what really doesn't need replacing. If we learnt to truly appreciate our possessions and treat them respectfully and carefully, instead of dashing out the moment a newer model is available, we wouldn't have so much stuff winding up in landfill. Society has always been superficial, but now it is just on a much grander and technological scale.

    As far as Michigan goes, it's a sad state of affairs when people allow a place they love and call home be used like that. It may seem a little harsh, but the analogy that comes to mind is that of a woman who, because she doesn't really care about herself or have much self-respect, allows every guy who gives her a passing glance to use her as his own personal refuse disposal... if you get my meaning. You wouldn't want your sister to be used like that, so why allow the land that nurtures you to be?

  4. I think the question is how can we get more people to recycle? I recycle and have taught my children the same, and now raising a 2 yr. old grandson, I'll teach my third generation to recycle. I moved six months ago, and most the neighbors in my new neighborhood do not recycle, it's disturbing. The amount of trash I see every week being picked up in plastic bags and dupped into our earth is sad. The more we recycle the less we have to produce using the already dangerous chemicals that our bodies absorb that give us diseases and cancers.  If we are importing trash then that is a disaster!  Where are all our activists to save our earth? Why do we not here about this in the news, somebody should be trying to keep them from importing trash!!!  Shame on our mayors, senators and congresspeople!!!!

  5. i know that our local council are really big on recycling because they have to pay for landfill.

    i have also read stats on the fine line between the energy used when processing an resourse from its crude state and processing recycling back into a usable resourse.

    i think its really hard to compare different kinds of waste, ie is it better to burn more energy recycling but save on other kinds of resourses? the whole re-usable nappy debate is a good example of this.

    as others have said reuse and reduce are infinately more useful and efficiant ways of lessening our ecological footprint, but ultimately i still think we should recycle, just carry your bottles to the bank, don't drive!

  6. Recycling isn't just about landfills. Recycling is supposed to save energy and slow down the rate at which we use up fossil fuels - also reducing the amount of pollution we produce.

  7. You're confusing 2 distinct issues: the wisdom of recycling, and the wisdom of selling out parcels of land for a landfill. It's the latter that seems to bother you, and I'm curious about the phenomenon myself. One of the first things you might ascertain is whether the landfill is on privately-owned land, or has some public oversight. There's also the issue of what kind of trash is going into the landfill. It's very unlikely that it's recyclables such as glass bottles and cans, since waste disposal contractors can get good money for those, particularly in a state that has a recyling law. In other words, your fear that Michigan residents are being asked to sort their own trash while unsorted trash from out of state is being dumped wholesale in Michigan landfills is probably unjustified.

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