
Should we allow drilling for oil at the locations in question ?

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Should we allow drilling for oil at the locations in question ?




  1. We will always need oil!  Our economy thrives on cheap oil!   There is no wind-power, no solar power or wave power that will completely replace our need for oil!  Even with a zero growth rate we will always need oil in our lifetimes or have a diminished life style and massive unemployment!

    We can drill for oil with proper care for the environment, we already do it in other places.  We already get oil from Prudhoe Bay, without that oil we would be paying lots more than $4.00 per gallon for gasoline!  The same type of politician, liberals with allegiance to the environmental groups and not America, tried to prevent the Prudhoe Bay oil from being utilized, they said it would destroy the environment and kill little animals - didn't happen!   Aren't you glad now that there were enough politicians with guts to give the okay to drill for oil Prudhoe bay!

    We will always need oil in our lifetimes!   Drilling for that oil now will be cheaper than in the future!  

    Suppose Saudi Arabia and some of the other foreign oil providers said to America "use your own oil" what we have now will be sold to China and India and other countries that do not have coal, shale and oil deposits  - won't you be sorry then!!

  2. I would wonder:

    What is wrong with all the places they can drill for oil now, They thought there was oil there, and haven't explored yet?

    If they explore and don't find oil, then are they going to ask for more places until they have the rights to drill everywhere they want?

    Why would they sell oil cheaper to the US than to India or china?  I think they sell to the highest bidder, meaning that after they ruin the beaches of California, I still have to pay the same price as if it came from say Nigeria.

    This pitch for 'DRill now drill here' is coming from a couple of oilmen... the same ones that sold us on WMD and invading Iraq; why should I believe this gang of liars and thieves?   REally, they lied and withheld info before.  There own Dept of Energy says our drilling wont make much difference in price.

    Lets use our money to get off oil and get on with the next great energy idea.

  3. I don't believe we should. Isn't our goal supposed to be to get off the dependancy of oil. And think about the environmental consequences in the locations they're talking about!! There are better alternatives than oil and many other countries are using them. I think the head hanchos are just too plain greedy to get off of oil.  

  4. I live in the Florida Panhandle,white sand, blue green water. If you asked me 20 years ago I would say no. We are funding terrorists by buying oil from overseas. If they wipe us out next year who will care if the beaches have oil clumps on them?  From what I've read oil spills from rigs are very rare today.

  5. Yes. I have lived in Louisiana for almost 40 years and offshore oil drilling has been a part of life here ever since I can remember. I have never heard of an oil spill in all that time. Therare more oil spills from the transportation of oil than from the rigs themselves.

    Environmental impact is not a valid reason for not drilling in those areas because in reality there is very little environmental impact to offshore oil drilling.

  6. Drill now!  Drill everywhere!  Absolute must for the US now.  So we are no longer bent over by the middle east for oil.  It will transform our entire economy, and then we can get to work on alternatives.  Diversity is good, but drilling our own oil is the first step to setting America free from foreign dependency.  

  7. If its off the gulf of mexico, and alaska, and flordia Im all for it, this country has professional type people that know what they are doing, when comes to drilling for oil off the shoreline of the coastal region, safely and for the environment to as well our planet

  8. No, absolutely not! Sure drilling will decrease gas prices now, but 20 years from now we will be in the same predicament we are now. It would just be a temporary fix, that would get the pressure off of the major car producers. They could go back to making trucks and SUVs and stop focusing on more fuel efficient cars. I myself own a Dodge Durango and would LOVE to see gas prices go down... heck, I could afford to drive my car. But I don't want them to go down at the cost of our environment, and long term it really won't fix anything. The way to fix this problem is more fuel efficient cars. Those will lead to less of a demand for oil and that will decrease the cost of gas.

  9. We should allow drilling off the coasts of Florida,  California and the gulf of Mexico.  For the people who say it would be 10 years before we see any oil from new ventures I can prove you wrong.  In 2002-2003 Cianbro Corp. of Pittsfield,  Maine built 2 oil rigs for offshore drilling off the coast of South America. These were built in Portland,  Maine and towed to their final destination after completion.  The job took 1-1/2 years,  not 10.  What do all you pessimists have to say now.  

  10. From what I understand of off-shore drilling to reduce gasoline prices, its just another political scam for the misinformed. First, the initial gallon of oil wouldn't flow for at least ten years from now, also gas prices are controlled by world wide consumption and oil speculators, finally the increase in oil capacity by off-shore drilling would be insignificant relative to the world consumption. High fuel prices are just here to stay.

  11. I believe the question is......"Will God allow man to drill at location in question?"

    My answer is " I don't believe He will."

    Even if preparations were completed...........and perhaps even began to drilling...............I believe God will not allow it to continue.

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