
Should we alter our forms of transportation and energy?

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I know there is a lot of controersy over global warming and wether we causs it but i have some things i think people should think about when it comes to certain things we are being told to do. Say global warming does exist as a result of humans. A lot of this supposedly due to burning of fossil fuel and slash and burn and so on. We could start to rely on new energy to save our planet, if it is caussing global warming, But how about changing our sources of energy because fossil fuels are going to run out we cant keep killing our environment like we are with slash and burn and costs of things like oil are killing our economy. Seems like there is no reason we shouldnt already all be in electric cars or hydrogen powered cars and be getting energy from alternative sources. A lot of things that are asked of us to prevent global warming at the same time seem to be a viable solution to plenty of other problems. Id like this to be a debate please keep passion out looks at logic and facts




  1. Just because a car is electric or hydrogen powered doesn't mean it uses less energy or has less impact on the environment.

    What if we all changed to hydrogen or electric cars at considerable expense then burned large quantities of coal and oil to make the electricity to produce hydrogen or charge electric cars.  What would be the point?

  2. "Seems like there is no reason we shouldn't already all be in electric cars or hydrogen powered cars and be getting energy from alternative sources."   we already have an alternative source for making hydrogen powered cars but our government will not allow those cars on the roads, because they have no way to tax us.

  3. WE should have altered our transportation and energy production processes long ago. This is what happens when we procrastinate. We in America are great a that!

  4. 50 years ago scientist were saying that we would have hover cars by now.  I bet hover cars would help reduce global warming.

    How come no one is working on Hover car development?

  5. Should have been done long ago, makes one wonder about government priorities. You can have a totally dependent hydrogen house and car, that utilizes solar panels. I believe the price tag for a moderate home is something like a 1/2 million.

  6. there is a chicken and egg situation with fuel cell cars (hydrogen cars)  if there is no hydrogen stations how are they gonna build cars and if there is no cars why would they build stations nobody wants to risk it

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