
Should we apologize??

by  |  earlier

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So my sister is a bride and she is getting married very soon and has been very busy and one of her bridesmaids has put off getting her dress altered for weeks now with excuses so my sister took her dress to the alteration place and told her bridesmaid to just go in there and get the dress on and that she would pick it up and pay for it even though the alterations are things that only the bridesmaid wanted done to the dress. So now the bridesmaid is mad at the bride for not meeting her there to help her zip up the dress saying the alteration guy had to do it and she is now ignoring phone calls and will not come to the bachlorette party. Should my sister call and profusely apologize (even though she was busy planning a wedding all day!) or is the girl acting like a complete baby? Should my sister have been there for all the girls alteration appointments traditionally??




  1. The bridesmaid is definitely acting like a baby, and SHE should be the one apologizing, not the bride. If it was so important to her to have the bride there for her alterations, she shouldn't have made so many excuses for missing earlier appointments. If she's going to keep up this attitude, it's probably best for everyone if she doesn't go to the bachelorette party - she's likely to just stir up more drama.

    Also, it's not traditional for the bride to go to alteration appointments. She really only needed to be there to select the dresses with the bridesmaids.  

  2. Wow what is up with her friend.

    Should your sister call and apologize?  NO.  For what??  I mean it would be one thing if the bridesmaid was 12, but assuming this was a grown woman...I don't understand.  Since when does a grown woman need someone to be there to help her get dressed.  Is she that fat?  I zip up all my own dresses.  Close my own bra too.  

    Is the girl acting like a baby?  Yes.  Why on earth would she think the bride has nothing better to do than go to her alterations?  Did she volunteer to go the bride's alterations?  Yeah I doubt it.

    She put off getting the dress altered.  The bride, furious with her excuses, finally agreed to pay for it herself just to make sure it was altered.  Why should she possibly apologize for that?  h**l none of the other bridesmaids got that.  Her rude behavior was rewarded so now she is trying to be worse to see if that gets her more privileges.  I would  speak to her about her attitude and I'd warn your sister.  Sounds like this bridesmaidzilla is planning on dropping out of the wedding.

    I had one who decided my wedding should be all about her.  She kept on my case the whole time with Do this for me or I won't come.  Do this for me or I won't come.  I did it all and still 2 wks before the wedding she said, If you can't pick me up from my flight which I decided to arrive during the rehearsal dinner AND pay for a seamstress to work all night long to do the alterations I won't come.  Finally I said FINE don't come.

    Sometimes bridesmaids get so jealous that they see it as their right to stress out the bride and make her as upset as possible.  Who knows why, but it's happening more and more recently.
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