
Should we avoid legitimate critiques of Obama as a President...yet unleash actual hatred for Palin as a VP?

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What's more important to us as Americas

A potential PRESIDENT who lacks qualifiying experience with close friendship to actual terrorist, groomed by actual racist leader, 20 year membership in an organization that teaches hatred for America and radical racial-supremacist ideology, who blatantly displayed acts of anti-patriotism and verbal attacks on American values like religion, gun ownership and has condemned conservative Christianity as "hijackers of morality", who has shown dangerous & naive national security judgment and who's political ideology is far-leftist.

A potential female VP who allegedly has a pregnant daughter and has a child with Downs Syndrome.

I have to believe we are better than this.

God Bless America




  1. Wow !!                     u mean the catholic church lol


                             JUST AS FRIGGIN PREPOSTERIOUS  

  2. shes a woman and thats her biggest defect according to some out there. i feel sorry for her shes being crucified for something her daughter did and the reactions are totally way out why should she give up the vp spot and to whom? another man like biden who makes racially and gender insensitive remarks  

  3. If you plan on going down that road, bring a tire iron.

  4. What you call legitimate critiques , I call blatant mudslinging. Not even factual mudslinging .

    This older White Military Christian widow will vote for Obama and Biden.

  5. You are missing the point.  Most of the criticism on Palin is a reflection directly onto McCain's poor judgment for his choice of VP. I have nothing against the can I when I have never heard of her?  For me, it just shows that McCain really has no clue what he is doing.

    EDIT: See I get two thumbs down because I said this is McCain's poor judgement.  You republicans don't want to hear want me to say something negative about Palin.  Truth is Johnny boy dropped the ball big time on this and everyone knows it.

    I'm up to 8 thumbs down...I'm going for double digits.  The more I get, the more I know I hit a sore spot    :)

  6. what happend to freedom of religon now just because they downplay religon dose not mean they should not be president religon has no room in politics. do u want a president who wants to stay in iraq get more of our men killed there and plus enter iran. all for nothing?

    as for gunownership look at england they banned alot of firearms and crime rate went down. you are far right wing just because obama dose not have your view on things dose not mean he dose not have everyones view on things.

  7. Senator Obama is still trying to prove he's not a Muslim. When in fact only DOLTS would even use that as a criteria for becoming President. He's been slammed for not having experience, not voting they way some like... the gambit. I cannot fathom what you are talking about.

  8. This is rich, so we should support a VP that has no experience, and by your own admission doesn't qualify to be a president. But not support a candidate that has more experience than the VP.

    Plus what kind of person, since your so quick to judge candidates based on values, put's her own career ahead of taking care of a special needs kid, that she brought into this world.

  9. We should ask that the person chosen as Vice President to be ablie to step in as President if needed. Some one who will raise our standing in the world, understand how much we owe China, and have enough experience to handle complex situations if called to do so. This is more likely if the candidate is 72 years old and may be subject to any number of ailments that set in after the 70's.  

    She also should represent the entire Country not just the far right.

    She is cute and chirpy but I see no indication that she will raise our falling test scores among industrialized nations. Since she is apparently a believer in intelligent design and not concerned with global warming.  I feel we will continue to deprive our children of real scientific freedom to study if she is elected.  

    I feel this is a slap in face for women who are serious and dedicated and were passed over for this far right odd choice.

    Who seems to have been chosen because she worships McCain rather than for serious qualifications.

  10. Bravo, spoken like a true Proud American. From you mouth to God's ears. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  11. I could go through all the things wrong with what you just said, but I doubt you'd believe it anyway.

    Suffice to say that everything you said about Obama is completely wrong.  It is a complete misrepresentation of Obama, and then an attack against the misrepresentation.

    Secondly, the VP candidate in question does not "allegedly" have a pregnant daughter, the baby is quite real.  I seriously doubt she'd open herself to this attack without being sure there was an actual pregnancy to talk about.  

    And thirdly, the attacks are not against Palin herself.  The first attack is against Republicans as a whole.  That one being of how they are now forgiving Palin for having a daughter who is pregnant, considering their past of deriding Democrats for trying to help pregnant girls in the past.  They passed it off as encouraging teenage pregnancy.  Now their very own VP candidate is in the situation, and now the Republicans are trying to spin it off as a virtue.

    Now personally, I think it is a virtue that Palin is standing by her daughter in her daughter's hour of need.  But if its a virtue now, wasn't it a virtue when the Democrats were standing by these girls before?  So don't you Republicans owe the Democrats an apology for attacking their morals, now that you have adopted those very same morals?

    The second attack against Palin is really directed at McCain.  That is the attack of inexperience.

    Now her inexperience is not that big a deal, because she has shown good judgement.  But that is Obama's argument, and one McCain says is invalid.

    McCain insists that judgement is not worth anything without experience.  If he believes that, then why did he go with Palin, who has even less experience than Obama?  

    There can only be one of two reasons.  One is that judgement is the equal of experience.

    If so, then how does McCain explain his judgement in siding with Bush so often.  Bush is at least as bad for Conservatives as he is for Liberals.  He spends like crazy, is in the pocket of Big Business, has a warmongering attitude (but no war sense), and has increased the power of government exponentially but only to further help out corporations.

    Whether you are Conservative or Liberal, Bush has messed up immensely.  And McCain sided with him 90% of the time.  If judgement matters, then McCain has shown none.

    Or experience is necessary to judgment.  In which case, why did his experience lead him to pick someone so completely inexperienced like Palin?  If Obama's lack of experience makes him incompetent for the job, then how does Palin's even bigger lack of experience not make her incompetent for the job also?

    Basically, everything McCain has said can lead to at least one, and possibly both, of these conclusions.  One, he is incompetent; or two, his VP is incompetent.

    Either way, his experience and judgement did not pan out very well for you guys.

    And there are a lot of people who want these questions answered.  McCain has failed somewhere.  Its up to you to decide if its his own abilities or those of Palin's as to where that failure occurred, but it did occur.

  12. Why is it that there is no negative media on Obama? Right, because if you say ONE thing wrong about him to his followers you're branded as a "racist".  

  13. What you are saying about Obama hold no facts. He's been smeared for things HE DIDN'T DO. Palin is not getting the shaft because of what's happened to her family She's getting the shaft because she skipped around with this abstinence in education and her daughter got pregnant. It's hypocritical. That's a fact.

    Here is this woman promoting family values and her children need her more now than ever. How can you have your own child having a baby and a down syndrome child and raise them ALL efficiently as a VP? Her family should come 1st. Not her own aspirations. That's everyone's gripe. Either he kids will get ignored or America will. That's not slander. That's a realistic problem. If her kids had more of a stable time, it wouldn't be so bad. That's not what a MOTHER would do for her kids. A real MOM would stand up for her kids first, not for her party and politics.

  14. BUT you forgot the number one rule. She is a conservative.

    It is ok to be bigoted and hatefull of conservatives because they bring up issues that liberals have no answers for. Conservatives preach less goverment and that is a threat to liberals who want every body to need them. So be as hateful as you want to a conservative.

    Example, Condiliza Rice called aunt jamima and Colin Powell called Uncle Tom by the media. Funnny just a joke right. Try calling Obama a race related slurr.

    Bill Clinton cheating on his wife while in the Oval Office then lying to the public. That is his buisness, the public should stay out of it. Right.

    Now Bristol 17 get pregent and it is open for discussion.

    There are more examples, to many to type. But you get the idea. Conservatives open season. Librals will cry foul if you say anything that even seems personal.

  15. It's about character.

    Well McCain treated his former wife like dirt and has a low opinion of woman. Palin neglects her family to advance her career.

    The character of a potential President and his VP do matter.

    Look at Bush and Chaney.

  16. There's a LOT of unanswered questions about Obama.  The media is not doing their job.

    Remember this?

    "The State Department last night said one of the persons responsible for the inappropriate behavior was employed by an information technology firm headed by one of Mr. Obamas foreign intelligence advisors."

    "The State Department this evening had not yet released the names of the persons responsible for the unauthorized searches but said two were employed by Stanley Inc. and the third was an employee of The Analysis Corp. (TAC). Stanley Inc., a 3,500-person firm, is an Arlington-based information technology firm that this week won a $570 million contract to continue providing passport services to the State Department, which the company has done since 1992, according to Stanley Inc.s Web site. TAC is a McLean-based information firm that has helped the State Department automate the Terrorist Watchlist over the last several years, the companys Web site said. TACs Chief Executive Officer John O. Brennan is a former CIA agent who is an adviser to Mr. Obamas presidential campaign."

  17. You can hate him and love her and we can love him and hate her.  It's all good., stop whining!!!

  18. Shhhhhh! You aren't allowed to use logic against liberals to question their messiah, your question will get deleted.

  19. Avoid, lol Obama has been smeared to death on this site so I don't see mccain supporters suddenly avoiding anything.

  20. I also thought we are 'better than this' but it doesn't appear so--as poster Janny pointed out (see her post and the link she provided) there are MANY unanswered questions on bo there seems to be NO TRUE INVESTIGATION on this UNQUALIFIED prez nominee. Ms.Plain has from day one been upfront SHE IS NOT A BABY KILLER,racist nor sitting under 20 years of racist hate monger 'preacher' . Her experience precedes her appointment by John McCain. Bristol Pailn made an error in judgment that's it (as did Mary Cheney--you know the L*****n daughter of d**k Chaney who also had a child out of wedlock)

    So Americans keep it civil if possible bo isn't the 'savior of America' and never will be that title is wholly reserved for the REAL MESSIAH who's gonna be on the scene sooner than you think.

  21. ROTFLMAO !!

    That was one of the funniest things I've read today.    I love to read non-sensical rants.

    Thanks for making me smile.  

  22. Seems many people are doing just that..

    You can counter that by reporting the really ugly ones as ranting. .

  23. I sincerely hope we are.

    I would rather have a female VP with a pregnant daughter and a child with downs syndrome than a male president who is blatantly anti-patriotic.

  24. LOL, "allegedly?" Her daughter is pregnant.

    oh yeah, his foreign policy ideas are sooooo naive that Bush has implemented 3 of his ideas and PM Maliki has backed him on his withdrawal time-frame, ummm yeah ok...

  25. I could not have said it better myself...thank you.

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