
Should we ban import of goods produced in countries where environmental damage is not taken seriously.?

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You assume I live in America - I don't

I was thinking of banning American products because of that country's terrible environmental history. This is the civilization most responsible for our current climate change.




  1. The full Deniers series

    Statistics needed -- The Deniers Part I

    Warming is real -- and has benefits -- The Deniers Part II

    The hurricane expert who stood up to UN junk science -- The Deniers Part III

    Polar scientists on thin ice -- The Deniers Part IV

    The original denier: into the cold -- The Deniers Part V

    The sun moves climate change -- The Deniers Part VI

    Will the sun cool us? -- The Deniers Part VII

    The limits of predictability -- The Deniers Part VIII

    Look to Mars for the truth on global warming -- The Deniers Part IX

    Limited role for C02 -- the Deniers Part X

    End the chill -- The Deniers Part XI

    Clouded research -- The Deniers Part XII

    Allegre's second thoughts -- The Deniers XIII

  2. Wish it were that simple but it isn't.  The companies responsible are often multinational and seem to know how to duck and weave to avoid responsibility not only environmental damage but also child labor laws and the most basic of worker safety protection.

    Bottom line, Americans still want products at low prices and will flock to Wal Mart and other stores where the flouting of all rules are the only ways that vendors can compete.

    What can we do to make a difference ? Levy higher duty on those companies commensurate with the damage done. The better they behave, the less they would have to pay.

    And of course we can all try to be a bit more aware when we make our purchases, but try to purchase a television or radio made in the US or Canada. Bon Chance !

  3. Now why would you want to ban the goods when it's the environment you're trying to save?

    Logically, no matter if you ban the goods or not, the countries that damage the environment will still continue their destruction doing other things, such as clearing forests for living spaces, dumping chemical wastes into the rivers in order to make cheap plastic for their own citizens.

    No. Banning the import of goods from countries that aren't environmentally friendly would only raise costs for numerous goods that could have been bought cheaply in our own country.

    Right now, China has about 7 out of 10 of the world's most polluted cities, but it's not something that anyone can change in a few years. The fact is, most developing countries have fewer resources and therefore use tactics that are highly poisonous to the earth in their industries. It's not like China or some other developing countries are polluting the earth on purpose, but because of lost of other factors, such as lack of awareness, lack of resources, lack of government regulation, etc.

    Since most of us are not policy makers, it's difficult to change the behavior of those who are polluting the earth. But if enough people advocate environmentally friendliness, I'm sure that people's voices would be heard and consequently implemented into world leader's agendas.

  4. hold your horses .pretty soon you will be all to happy with anything you can get .

    these 3rd world countries are producing a lot of food for civilization and many are getting into trouble with agriculture ,because of temperature change (one degree rise in temperature means 10% crop loss ),and desertification

    the future will show a drastic rise in the price of food and water as well wil become a critical consumer item

    you forget that the environmental damage in civilized countries was already done many years ago

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