
Should we ban soccer all over the world

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Should the President of the United States ban soccer all over the world? I say yes. It is absolutely useless, played among poor countries like Europe and Africa, and barely anyone watches it. Football, baseball, and basketball are the most popular in the world.




  1. WTF ARE YOU ON?!? What a stupid thing to say and you are completely wrong in everything you say!!

    Billions of soccer fans worldwide no less than baseball or baketball and the Euro and the British pound are worth more than the American dollar.

    I mean our Australian is almost equal to the american now at 93 u.s cents!!!

    Just coz your American doesnt mean the rest of the world is!!

    Besides bush only has power over Amerca numbskull

  2. no wayyy! soccer is the most poplar sport out of any. and it teaches a lot of kids life lessons they cant learn in other stuff. sports teach a lot of stuff. just because you dont like it doesnt mean anything. soccer is def stayingg!

  3. Should we revoke America's independence? because you quite clearly have shown you are not capable of looking after yourselves!

    Oh yeah just to add your "great sport" baseball in which you have a world series where only teams form America compete in, I've found out why, you invited the Japanese once and they wiped the floor with you! hahahahaha

  4. shouldnt u be worry about the war  your president looks like a monkey only fat people play american football. You call american football a sport its boring and they stop the game every 6 seconds. Real football/soccer is played all over the world and is the most popular sport. Who plays american football its just a waist of time

  5. Typical yank... thinking america is the world. Where else is your version of "football" played? Baseball is only really popular in Japan. Basketball is probably the most popular out of the three but still not that big.

  6. Have you been to Europe? It is not a poor country!

    Less people watch it in the U.S., but everywhere else in the world its a hugely popular sport.

    Its fine if you don't appreciate soccer (football)...but in case you haven't noticed the majority of the world does.

    Where are you getting your information that barely anyone watches it in the U.S.? Maybe you don't but plenty of people in the U.S. do!

    If you don't have a love for the game thats fine but don't even think about taking it away from us, those who do!

  7. soccer i meant football is better than american "footbal"l i meant american handball so f.u.c.k.i.n.g g.a.y

  8. Yea right is the #1 most popular sport in the world. . . dumb*** we should ban american football huh how would you like that, they only play it in the us anyways ... search on for amazing soccer players like C.Ronaldo or kaka , Pele, El Chelito and you'll see all the greatness of soccer and all the followers!!!!!!!!!!

  9. What a silly question

    dont lose points for this stupid question

    baseball only played in America

    Europe is poor you are very dumb!

    get a life stop wasting your time!

  10. You are by far the biggest Idiot I have ever seen in my life.I hate baseball,american football,and basketball.The beautiful game should not be banned but you should.BTW,we Europeans are much richer at this point thanks to our wonderful EURO.

  11. you must be the stupidist person ever

    poor? europe and africa ppl might think africa is poor but has any 1 been to the beautiful africa in morocco algeria nigeria cote d'ivore egypt ect

    and soccer is watched by the most people in the world duhh

    and the us president doesnt have power to ban the best sport ever he doesnt even have power over other countries

  12. How old are you?  Baseball is one of the dumbest sports known to man and basketball is played by poor black guys. It's not called soccer. It's football.  

  13. what an idiot!

    he couldn't ban fooball if he wanted to..

    there is no way all the teams in europe would let him..

    and he has no control over any of europe..

    football is the most popular outdoor game in the world..

    also big brands like nike,, addidas,, reebok,, samsung,, AIG,, fly emerites,, etc. sponsor football teams and make ALOT of money from them through football shirt sales..

    they wouldnt jjust let that go..

    also its like the most competative sport,,

    and the sport with the most tallent i think..

    unlike american football were they have to where padding and helmet incase they get hurt.. puffs,,

    i think you should think it through before you post a silly question like this next time..

  14. i am having some really bad deja vu on this question.

    search up this question, steve, it's there!


  15. Only a stupid thick Yank could come up with a comment like that.

    How many other countries have championships that only they compete in then call it a world championship.

    A total ban on football would not be a bad idea though, sick to sight of over paid prima donnas thinking the the world revolves them, bit like Americans really.  

  16. Europe is actually quite a developed region. Western Europe that is. Eastern still lacks a bit behind. Anyway most of the world plays and watches soccer. I find it a bit boring myself, but whatever. Anyway your an idiot

  17. Wow...people like you make me really sad to be called an American.

    First off...the President does not have power of the entire world...believe it or not!

    And second...countries should ban American football from EVER being played in their country!

    I have no idea why you wasted your points to post this useless question!

  18. That is a stupid question because footall (soccer) is played all over the world, even in 3rd world countries. I believe it gives people hope and it is a really great sport!!!!!

    p.s im guessing you are an american because you sound like one!


  19. no thoose sports are the most popular in the usa. football and soccer are equally in popularity, the superbowl and champions leagues get one billion veiwer each for the final. but i do hate soccer not because it unpopualr because i dont life watching overpaid thugs kick a little ball around. how gayl,

  20. Dude, these sports are only popular in the U.S. and some rich countries. Soccer is popular in most of the world. It's absolutely cheap, easy to play soccer. You only need a round ball or thing and 4 little things like clippers, shoes, rocks, etc. to make 2 goals and then, enjoy your match. No expensive things like football goal , bats, basket, diamond ground, grass... are needed to play a real soccer match. you can play on the streets, playground, stadium, beach,... almost every where except in water, of cousre (it's water polo!!). The basic rulues are easy, too: use any part of your body except your arms and hands to put the ball into the goal. If you're fouled, you'll get free kick. If you tie, you can use penalty shootout to decide the winner. Why cannot people choose to play an easy, cheap and funny sport like soccer among the whole bunch of complexive, expensive sports? Also, about more than half of people in the world like soccer. How many fans do football, baseball, and basketball have? Certainly less than soccer. Ya'd better learn more about soccer before judging it!

  21. your calling europe a poor country??? what are you stupid?? euro currency is stronger than the US dollar, get some education before you ask please.  and soccer is the most popular and well known sport in the world, those sports you mentioned are only popular in the US.  what do you mean barely anyone watches it?? the entire world watches soccer, i wonder how many people watch american football.

  22. No, we should ban people like you from playing such a great sport.  And by the way, the World Cup is the most watched competition, other than your American Superbowl and World Series, more than 100x more people watch soccer.

  23. the president of the US has no power to ban anything in the WORLD! thats just u hallucinating! the poor countries get a chance to play soccer n raise money not only for them selves but for other poor countries! n its not just poor countries ur very own USA plays in the world cup! football n baseball n basketball are only played in USA! not the WORLD! again u hallucinating!  n just to clarify one more time THE WORLD watches soccer! just becuz u dont' doesn't mean the world doesn't! get ur facts right before u criticize!

  24. this is a wind up isnt it?

    How can you call Europe poor? tut tut - i think youve got the responses you were obviously after.

  25. ... are you insane?...Millions of people watch soccer banning it will just be stupid and it isnt played among poor countries if im not mistaken clubs pay millions for Stadiums, players and facilites so how can they be poor countries.

  26. interesting comments and i'm sure you're not as stupid as you sound.

    firstly, the USA president doesn't have the power to ban anything in the world, let alone a sport.

    second, how can you call a sport useless?  it offers health and fitness, spectacular finess, excitment, passion, employment, and so much more.

    thrid, soccer (football as it's known in most other countries as it actually uses the foot, unlike American football that throws the ball more often than not) is played in every country in the world, poor and rich.

    four, Europe and Africa are not countries to start with, they are continents that are made up of countries.  they both have wealthy countries and poor countries within them.

    five, football (soccer) is THE most popular sport in the world.  played by more people and watched by more people than any other sport.  it is so popular that the Olympic committee have had to beg FIFA to keep football in the Oympic games as it is so popular.  

    also on that note, football is the most popular event selling more tickets than any other event.  

    also baseball is being removed from the Olympic games after this year, and American football has never been an Olympic event, so there goes your argument about which sport is more popular.

    six, you need to get out more, maybe even leave your own country and see the real world, yeah.  give it a go and you'll see that the world isn't as you perceive it to be.

    i must go now as the Olympic road cycling has just started.

  27. Im surprised your country has time for sport,go and invade another

    oil rich country, idiot!.Europe and Africa are continents,not countries.

  28. h**l No! id say americans should wake up and play real football/soccer

    THE WHOLE WORLD LOVES SOCCER REAL FOOTBALL.america just refused to see it..barely people outside US watches your ame ftball/basketball/baseball in case you have not noticed.

    add: poor you,you get a lot of negative remarks..

  29. The president of the United States only has power over the United States, and not power over all the world. Soccer is played and its very popular in every country, except in the United States. Football is not as popular in the rest of the world, basketball and baseball are somewhat popular as compared to soccer. Barely anyone watches soccer in the United States, but in the rest of the world its watched by loyal fans of the sport. Guess what the biggest sporting event in the world is? You guessed right if you said the World Cup, and lat time I checked that is a soccer event.

  30. Football is the most popular sport in the world, not Baseball or NFL or hockey or any of those stupid American sports, yeah its great fun watching 7ft freaks playing Basketball isn't it, get a life and don't ask anymore stupid questions.

  31. I think George W has more on his plate to worry about!!  By the way not sure if Europe and Africa are countries!! Not to worry keep taking your medication, the nurse should be along shortly!!!!

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