
Should we be concerned about Palin's religious views?

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Should we elect a vice president who believes that the Iraq invasion was a directive from God, or that God plays a hand in getting pipelines into Alaska?

For more information on her extreme views, see her speak at the Assembly of God Church on YouTube. This is scary stuff.




  1. Normally I would say a candidates religious beliefs are not an issue BUT she is an ultra Conservative and that is really scary. I have noticed that she believes that God always wants what she wants and who can argue with God. I guess God thinks its great that she abuses her political office and uses it for personal gain and has requested more in earmarks for Alaska than any other state, something like $300 per person as opposed to $34 in most states yet she says she is opposed to earmarks. God thinks its ok to lie to the country if it helps her get elected.

  2. Tell you what: we'll give up Palin if you'll give up Obama.

  3. She infiltrates her religion into her personal political agenda ... that ... I don't like. You can't use the name of God everytime you want something to happen in your favor ...  

  4. No.  I don't think she will impose her religious views on anyone.  Why do her religious views concern you so much?  We live in a free country..and apparently you have a time machine and have just come back from the future, where you have seen her, the VP, not the President, have enough power to put us in a religion-controlled government, give up the proof.

  5. She is only the VP. McCain looks healthy to me and more likely to live than Obama. After 4 years we will vote Hillary in. No worries.

    Which would you want. Someone who prays to God or someone who thinks he IS God?

  6. Absolutely not,  as long as she is not an athiest.  

  7. Wow.  I consider my work to be a directive from God.  Guess I'm a right wing nut-job!

    Keep in mind that we freed millions of people from a ruthless dictator with a history of mass killings of his own citizens.  But that little detail keeps getting lost with everyone, doesn't it?


    to Racheal T:  there is no separation clause in the US Constitution.  Read it.  The constitution prohibits the ESTABLISHMENT of a national religion.  Nowhere in the text of the constitution does it mention a separation of church and state.  That was some bull dung spouted by one supreme court justice in a decision.  

    US Constitution, Amendment #1:  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    read it yourself at:

  8. You must be one of those filthy commie leftist scum i've heard so much about....

  9. I am more concerned about Obama's religious views - specifically that he think that a pastor who says "GD America" to a crowded church "Isn't particularly controversial."  That is way scarier that a man could be so oblivious than Sarah Palin's belief that GOD plays a role in our daily lives.

  10. yes we should be concerned.

    religion and government are SUPPOSED  to be seperated, as stated in the  US CONSTITUTION. i am so tired of politicians putting thier religious views into lawmaking.  

  11. long as she doesnt become the crazy woman off "the mist" yeah ...the one.....who just was krazy about God... that was weird

  12. Given the choice between a Christian VP and a Muslim president, I would choose the Christian VP.

  13. This is an excellent question!  I wanted to ask the same thing but I couldn't think of a tactful way to put it...good job.  Yes she really concerns me regarding her religious beliefs.  I am a Christian person; however, she seems quite fanatical to me in regards to her religion.  The last thing we need is some nut case saying that God came to her in a dream last night and said we should bomb Russia...yikes!

  14. we should all be very concerned about palin

    she is the female version of bush

  15. No, but we should be concerned about Obama's religious views circa subjecting his daughters to 20+ years of Pastor Jeremiah Wright.

  16. Again, I point out that Obama is also Christian and has stated flatly he _will_ force you to effect his religious views on a national level through laws.

  17. Very scary...who wants a crazy religious fanatic in the white house.

  18. Yes, and Absolutely not. The very idea that God would be in favor of killing, especially based on Bush's false witness to WMDs is ridiculous. I don't think the 10 commandments are multiple choice, nor even commandments, but a list of things you cannot do if you have a real connection with The Creator. I read some of her speech to the Church of God, along with the remarks by her minister to some friends the other night. They thought I was reading a parody. The McCain/Palin ticket is totally unacceptable to anyone with a brain and a heart or who professes to believe in God.

  19. hahahahahahahahaha, this is funny, and you are not concerned with Obama;s religious veiws and supporting of the militants until the bitter end?  obama wil lose

  20. No.  If Obama's church doesn't scare you then I don't know what to say.

  21. what americans should be concerned about is that we keep electing republicans and democrats to rule this country when they continue to destroy it.  wake up america.  enough is enough,  vote libertarian

  22. Her religious views are a big negative, but otherwise she seems OK

  23. In a  Not even if that were the ONLY thing disturbing about the McCain-Pailin One-Way Ticket To h**l....but certainly there are other problems too.

  24. would you feel better if she was a muslim?

  25. We should be concerned about both of them and the whole party.

    Any party that THINKS it has a direct line to god, well, that's just plain eerie!

    or, if they really do, don't you think they could at least SHARE it?


  26. I'd rather a churchgoer than an Islamic fundamentalist anyday.

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