
Should we be concrned about climate changes and global warming in our lifetime???

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Should we be concrned about climate changes and global warming in our lifetime???




  1. People who claim to see the future and know what the climate is going to be are fools.  This was the coldest winter in China in a hundred years. Forces more powerful than a small amount of a relatively minor greenhouse gas are what control the climate.  Don't waste your energy worrying about what the weather will be next week or if the climate will be slightly warmer or colder some day.  The people who claim doom are just the doomsday cultists that exist in every generation.  It is the only way they have to get your attention.

  2. Only during election years...if a politician says he believes we're responsible for the weather, he's planning to take your money and your freedom from you once he's in office.

  3. no. death to the environment. it SuckS

  4. Do not worry. Enroll for smimming classes and watch water world. The seas are rising for sure dude.

  5. Generation X should not be worried about global warming. My science teacher told us all that if Global warming did happen it would be in more than a hundred years. Most of us will all be dead by then.

  6. No it is a total Falsehood that weak people use to justify Green Living....Freaking Hippies

  7. i dont belive in globle warming i belive in climate change

  8. Yes.  Serious economic impacts will be felt in the next 30-50 years.

  9. Yes. I think we should. While it doesn't seem like it's effecting us, that is because we are lucky enough to live in developed countries. Some people in less economically developed countries (LEDCs) live on islands and their homes are now being flooded. Also people in LEDCs live with the extreme weather caused by global warming of draughts, hurricanes, thunder storms e.t.c. these are destroying homes and taking lives. Mosquitos are breeding rapidly in these conditions and causing a wide range of new problems. So yes, global warming is a problem and it's here now!

  10. I am sceptical about the "Global Warming" issue.

    However, climate change is a fact. Whether it is permanent, cyclic, or a passing blip, is academic.

    It does not take much, in the way of changes in oceanic temperatures around our coast (like in the Gulf Stream) or slight deviations in the direction of ocean currents, to cause major weather changes.

    Whilst our annual rainfall levels are fairly constant, for whatever reason, the RATE at which the rain is deposited has changed dramatically. Much of the flooding of last year has more to do with rainfall rate, rather than aggregate quantity.

    To quantify this, even ten years ago rainfall rate of 10mm per hour was quoted to me by the Met Office as, "Tropical Downpour". Just 15 months ago, in the Portsmouth area, we experienced rainfall at a rate of 60mm per hour! This is approaching the average rainfall rates, experienced in Brazil! Needless to say we had all sorts of reports of flash flooding.

  11. People are smart enough to clean up the mess that is being made. A goal should be a neutral or positive impact on the enivornment.

    I can only see change through incentives and penalties, such as taxes on things that harm the environment and tax relief for things that benefit the environment. I don't see much of the latter being done by governments.

  12. I wouldn't worry about "global warming".....there's a buzz going on right now that points towards global cooling.  I have a funny feeling that the sun has more to do with our climate than we do.

  13. I agree with Bob P. We should show concern for it, because if it does not affect our life times, it may well affect future generations.

  14. depends how old you are - if you're going to be alive after 2050 then you should be adapting your future life/goals to accommodate the changes - if you expect to be dead before 2050 then there's not really much to worry about unless you have kids.

  15. For those people who don't care if it effects them, because they think they will be dead when the effects of climate change happen. Just don't go running to the people who have been warning you about the dangers we will stick you all in the corner and let you lot sort it out shall we. lol

    Then were would we be!

  16. It depends how young you are and where you live.

    Assuming that global warming is causing the climate changes which we are currently observing - and not everyone will agree that this is the case - then the pastoralists and subsistence farmers in many parts of Africa are already being affected.  The impact is likely to spread slowly and will be affected by the extent to which the world reduces carbon emissions - although not everyone agrees this is  a major factor.  

    Under the Kyoto protocol most governments in the world have set themselves targets but the three biggest emitters of carbon dioxide - US, China and India have not.

    If these three countries do not join in, my guess is that by about 2035 most areas of the world will be affected although most will be able to take remedial action at some expense.

  17. The climate may change either way.  If it is natural warming, and I think it is, then we cannot stop it and are not causing it. The Earth has been warming as it emerges from the medieval Little Ice Age and my opinion is that the warming is continuing without our help.  The warming also lets out great amounts of CO2 that is in the sea, which causes more warming and lets out more CO2,

    If the sea rises 1 inch per year it would take 120 years to rise 10 feet.  Rising sea levels would give more surface area for evaporation of water and there would be more rain even in the dry areas and deserts.  Areas in the north would become more habitable,  The water would spread the  heat  and make Greenland suitable for farming again, it might allow oranges and bananas to be grown on the southeast coasts of England and Ireland.  Not good for people living by the sea, but better for others.  The changes will be slow enough to avoid and adapt to them, so there is no cause for being overly concerned.

    If we are making the world warmer, then it is contrary to much evidence that the world would be cooling into an Ice Age except for us.  Actually if you take all scientists about 20% support GW and I suspect about 20% say there is no GW caused by Man with the remaining 60% having all kinds of opinions that don't agree with either side.

    Don't worry, just live a good life as it comes.

  18. I find it strange that the scientists in the Royal Society and American Academy of Science agree that global warming is a consequence of the industrialisation of society, yet people are happy to ignore qualified opinion.  It is hard to understand why, but given (for example) the growth of belief in so-called complimentary medicines (for which there is no objective scientific evidence of efficacy), I think it is because society is too lacking in scientific literacy to be able to evaluate evidence.

    So in answer to your question, yes we should be concerned and change our lifestyles.  The issues of global warming, pollution and depletion of the world's resources are all linked, and I suspect that few people would suggest we are not responsible for any of those.

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