
Should we be donating money to save wildlife/the planet?

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Surely the money we donate has been earnt by us working which by definition uses raw materials in one form or another (either during manufacture/or processed to provide the energy to produce goods or power our computers or cars etc).

It is the extraction & use of these raw materials which are harming our planet.

Would it be better to have not earnt the money we are donating in the first place, thereby averting doing the damage instead of paying later to try to repair it?




  1. No.. we are being taxed off the face of the Earth as it is.

    How much have you personally donated so far?  I just wonder if you're putting your money where your mouth is or just your size 9 boots.

  2. everything you say is possible but no body is going to do it as it would be a all for one- one for all kind of thing to make a difference and we as a people are not for anyone but ourselves if i offend please for give me .

  3. If you have extra money laying around and don't want to actually contribute physically to saving the planet then yes. Otherwise, you shouldn't donate your hard earned money and not know for certain where that money is going.

    Just do your part by not littering or planting a few trees or biking to work a few days out the month. Do small things that you know is helping the planet. Donating money is an indirect way of helping and you don't really know if your money gets there.

  4. i think we should donate more so because just think without wildlife no food with out our planet no life think on turms you like meat hello wildlife you like to breath hello trees(wildlife) the more bulidings cars and otherthings along that line takes away food and oxogen!!!think on that

  5. What does donating money do that you cannot do by being a responsible human being?  What would someone by "carbon offsets" from company like Al Gore's when he's blowing through $2k a month in utility bills?

    Why wouldn't you simply plant a tree or two and minimize the waste that you consume.

    Con-artists like Mr. Gore will keep dreaming of ideas to steal your money.

    Like somebody suggested above, what's next?  Wildlife offets?   How many livestock offsets does one need to purchase for each McDonald's?  LOL!!!

    It's all a racket to relieve you of your hard earned money.  Be a responsible adult and then educate yourself about the fraud of Global Warming.

  6. not a bad idea

    if you consider cultures who live more in harmony with their environment than our western culture, then they spend very little time "working" collecting & preparing food etc.

    Western culture is identified with working all hours with no time left to enjoy it.

    Remember - no-one has said on their death-bed "I wish I had worked harder"

  7. I think corporations who sell the products that we purchase should. More could be accomplished this way.

  8. You go it in one!" surely we shouldnt donate... we dont have the money to most of the time, its not that we dont care we just dont have it because of inflation thanks... but surely we should take action ourselves now in every day life than give it away to a charity not knowing how it is going to be used to help the environment if at all! Ask those "rich" people such as celebs to donate £1000 of their earned money that they probs earn in one day. if they all did it along with our own personal changes we could do wonders.

    The work we do effects everything and we cant stop working can we... vicious circle...(soz bout the spelling)

  9. Money is needed to acomplish some goals.  

    Education is also needed to help affect change.

    Active public can write letters or email the appropriate government officials or corporate board of directors.

    Volunteers are needed to help support the work of staff.

    Trained staff are needed, usually not for the best of pay, to help with all of the above.

    It takes more than just money.

  10. Defiantly dude!!! Every 1 should!!! Wildlife and our planet r very important!!!

  11. I agree that we shouldn't donate money to save the environment. Instead we should be more conscious of our own personal impact.

    Rather than sending money to whichever charity and thinking we have 'done our bit' we should be turning lights off when we are not in the room. Making sure we recycle our paper both at home and at work. Not wasting water. Turning our thermostats down a degree or two. Walking or taking public transport instead of driving.

    We all need to be personally responsible for change, not just hoping that some greater organisation is going to do it for us.

  12. I can see where you are going with this idea, but you have a flawed concept here -- an "apples and oranges" breakdown if you may.

    The reality is that the planet has become a capitalist society.  If you want a roof over your head, food on the table and a beer at the bar that has the cool band every Friday well... you HAVE to work.

    The trick is to what ethical standard are you going to hold yourself to in respecting the earth that you draw your very existence from each day.

    Are you recycling?  Composting?  How much time do you donate each week to helping save an endangered species; protecting an ecosystem; and promoting community conservation?  Are you using your bike and public transportation daily?  This list could rattle on for pages.

    This is a big picture concept of "leave only footprints".  I think at the end of the day, we should all consider it a duty of greatest importance to leave this earth a better place when we ourselves depart.  To recognize the greater good.

  13. The socialistic undertone is nice but how many silk worms are you going to catch in the wild.

  14. Hmm - interestesting - maybe look at it as "wildlife offset"!!?

  15. We should be donating money to buy birth control or sterilize the people in the Third World countries. They are the problem. They multiply like rabbits and then have their hands out because they are starving. We feed them....and they make evem more starving babies.

  16. What? If I think I understand you I guess...yes???

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