
Should we be filling our gas tanks before Gustav hits?

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I watched a little blurb last night showing the path of Gustav which could hit land as a cat 3. It's projected path collides directly with a ton of oil rigs. I can't help but believe that even if it doesn't destroy some of them they will have to be shut down for safety's sake thus raising prices. I'm not a rocket scientist, so if I'm wrong please let me know, but no reason to be mean.




  1. Yes, fill up. I live in IL and gas jumped 30 cents over night just two days ago.  We thought it was because of Labor Day weekend, but the news is saying it has something to do with Gustav.  

  2. Well you should always be prepared.  Yes the oil companies are going to use the hurricane as an excuse to raise gas prices this time.   Oil rigs have always had to deal with hurricanes, but it is only recently that hurricanes are being used to raised gas prices.  I'm sure the oil companies love Hurricanes.

    Gustav will probably make landfall as a cat 4.

  3. we did just in case of the worst.   turns out not so bad.  i give all the glory to God.  prayer works.  

  4. The price of gas did go up after katrina. I think it would be smart to fill up before hand.

  5. How long does a tank of gas last??  It's not like you can buy gas and stock up on it. LOL!!!!!  

    If it hits the oil rigs and causes major disaster out there, does that not send a message even louder to our ears about oil rigs, their vulnerability, their potential for disaster at high seas and high maintenance and thus high oil costs to the consumer?

    Is drilling for more oil really the answer to our energy needs?  When disaster is about to strike, we need to ask ourselves these questions. Storms like these take decades to recover from and frankly do we have the time, money and fortitude?  

    If Gustav serves any purpose, his fury may help us decide which direction to go in as far as our energy needs for America. NO MORE DRILLING IN THE GULF!!!!!!

  6. they will raise the price for a few days so yes.

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