
Should we be more upset?

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Do you believe that things in our government or society are as bad as OR worst than what got people motivated to do something to cause the Revolutionary War or the Civil War?

Are we truly apathetic or are things just overhyped by the media?




  1. Both. Don't be a popinjay or a bloviator!

  2. I think that people are apathetic and we are extremely spoiled.  We do let our government get away with too much.  We have the right to speak out and protest, but we choose not to anymore.

  3. It is unlikely that we will ever get upset enough to quit letting "FRED" do it because our problem is that we are a non participitory society.  If we wanted to correct the problems we would become involved in the process more than simply watching the evening news and shaking our

    collective head.  If we are tired of the same old Rhetoric and self-servents that we elect, we should step completely out of our comfort zone and stop voting for incumbents.  That, however, requires the voting public to do something that scares them silly  THINK AND ACT.  that is why no correction will occur

  4. Civil war-yes.

  5. Both.  But if they start the draft again after invading Iran, you will see a lot of apathy go away.

  6. Not as bad as media makes it out to be

    People still die in the desert in the dead of night trying to steal into the terrible nasty country, is it bacause it is as rotten as the liberal left makes it out to be. I think not

  7. both i think, but more apathy than anything and alot of denial as well.

    u.s. has been a very spoiled nation for many years now and i think many just don't want to look at the facts these days....

    i think apathy reigns supreme though, very sad....

    coupled with the fact that we now have an administration that does not encourage, and in fact very much discourages, free speech and expression, i really don't see much happening to change very much in the near future for the better...

    i think i'm more of a realist than a pessimist, and i try always to see a very wide perspective and it's pretty discouraging.

    possibly if they try to reinstate the draft it would get people off their duffs again and into the streets....i like to think it would...i'd be there!

  8. Overhyped by the media to keep attention flowing.

  9. Over hyped

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    Yes we should be mad and we do not pay attention to 90% of the things that should p**s us off

    how much money goes to other countries

    or the pork spending  just to get more votes

    sub-sidized industry

    Proporsitions that get dragged into fed court after the people vote them in

    Social security going bankurupt

    We need another over haul

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