
Should we be trying to prevent species becoming extinct? If so, why?

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Should we be trying to prevent species becoming extinct? If so, why.




  1. yes we should. because if we don't stop them from being extinct then it will ruin the whole balance of life, and if we say that about every animal, then pretty soon the only animals there will be are farm animals.

  2. It's really hard for me to decide. I think that if the reason they are becoming extinct is directly correlated to humans overfishing or hunting, then I think we should be working harder to lessen the toll it takes on the lives of these animals. I do believe that some animal extictions were bound to happen. Just like there are not the same kinds of insects, plants, or animals as there were a thousand or so years ago, there won't be in the future. I do believe in the preservance of life. But sometimes life just needs to take it's course. How do we know for sure that global warming is causing the glaciers to melt, leading the polar bears to not have a place to live? How do we know if it's just not the way it was supposed to be? That eventually polar bears would die out, just as I believe humans will one day.

  3. We should never let any species die because,we are still learning new things about them that may help us in some way in the future. Everything was put on this earth for one reason or another, to respect that is wise, to totally exterminate a species would be foolish!!! Arent we all species in one form or another?

  4. I would be thrilled if many of the harmful insects, spiders, and parasites suddenly went extinct.  There are plenty of creepy critters the world would be happier without.  And trust me, there will be plenty of other, more benign critters that insect-eating creatures will be able to consume.  

    Also, I'm sure there are some odd people worrying about what would happen if white sharks and rattlesnakes were to disappear.  I truly think we will do fine if these dangerous creatures were over-fished or over-hunted.

  5. This is a complicated (but good!) question as there are many perspectives you can view it from.  In general, for a lot of people it would depend on the value placed on species in general - whether it be aesthetic, ecological, economical (hopefully not, but it is in some cases).  A lot of spec-ism comes from people appreciating the behaviour or appearance of the wildlife - i.e. some people believe we should only protect those species we like and appreciate.  Fortunately that is more a minority group.  Ecologically - species conservation is critical - to a certain extent.  It largely depends upon the reason the species is endangered.  If it is to do with human interference of some sort (land clearing, over-hunting etc) then the species is not naturally dying, hence extinction should be prevented, and we should alter our activities to ensure this happens.  If however, the species is endangered for natural reasons (i.e. populations exceeding carrying capacity), extinction prevention is not necessary, however sad it may be to see a species die out - if this extinction is prevented, it could actually disrupt the ecological balance on Earth.  From an economical perspective - the biological diversity of some places is a huge tourist attraction, and so species conservation from this view is critical for the economic welfare of the country.

    Personally, i feel it is simple - species should not become extinct from human causes.  Natural pathways to extinction shouldn't be disrupted.

  6. Every single living thing in this world deserves to live. Even annoying pests (unfortunately). Every living thing in this world is part of an ecosystem, in which everyone and everything needs each other to survive . Even we are part of an ecosystem. For example, plants need animals like birds and bees for seed dispersal while birds need us for food ( one concrete example of this is the plaza in Venice (Italy) in which pigeons only depend on people's left over food crumbs for food or even sometimes just really generous people!) And while we depend on plants for oxygen.

  7. yes they have a role to play in the ecosystem.

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