
Should we beat seth to death with sticks because he doesnt understand thermodynamics?

by Guest32750  |  earlier

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Or would that make us too similar to theists?




  1. Now now, don't do as they do.  They'll call you on hypocrisy and then they'll think they have some point.

  2. i dont know who that is but im all for beating some one to death XD

  3. send them to an island only with their bibles and let them pray there till the end of times, while the rest of us fix our broken world

  4. "we"- you and who???

    i am not included so i can't voice my opinion.

    i wouldn't think so...difference in moralities.

  5. No, no beating him to death with sticks just keep trying to drill a few facts in there.

  6. It's best not to sink to their level.

    Also, we'd have to beat a lot of people who also think that.  It would take too long.

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