
Should we boycott Latin Rapper Daddy Yankee for endorsing John McCain?

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i think we should all stop buying his music.. i think it sucks when people in the Latin community forget where they came from




  1. haha I think we should boycott ANYONE who endorses McCain.

    but thats just me

  2. It's amazing to me to see Latins, or for that matter any immigrants support the republicans.  I know now DY is very simple minded, but at the very least any minority should be able to realize they don't want to vote for the "old white man", because that's all we've had, and look at the results.  Obviously the people's daily struggles and sacrifices to make an honest living does not concern him, we made him rich, did you expect more?  Honestly, he can say what he wants, we should be smarter and realize that WE need to vote for the candidate that will support us, the little people.  Exxon posted their most profitable year in history, and we talk about an oil crisis???  Not for them!  Just for us forking out our hard earned money so they can get richer.  Injustices like these is what people should focus on, so no thanx DY, I'm voting for OBAMA!

  3. Why would you stop buying his music? You can...

  4. YES!

  5. Yankee has wanted to support McCain since before the primaries. I think it took some major balls for Yankee, being a superstar/urban artist/Latino to throw his support towards McCain. He knew that the freedback would be harsh, but it was something he believed. There is no way I'm going to "boycott" Yankee's music.

    I am, however, considering boycotting any question that labels Yankee as a "Latin Rapper".

  6. I like DYs music, but there are other reggaeton artists out there and I for one will look to the others. I am so disappointed in Daddy Yankee. He could have been a role model to the young people who do listen to him, instead he looks like a fool who doesn't care about his people.

  7. That is ridicules!! People can like whoever they want. Michael Jackson could worship hitler and i would still listen to his music. Forget the politics and focus on the music. . .

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