
Should we boycott china and the olympics because of china's brutality and barbarism?

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Should we boycott china and the olympics because of china's brutality and barbarism?




  1. just because one kind of culture does not appeal to us, does not necessarily make it bad.  China has been doing what works for them, for a long time. who are we to pass judgment?

  2. We did not boycott the Olympics in n**i Germany and Jesse Owens dominated track and field as a nice result.  I think the positive impact on them will outweigh anything a boycott would do.  Boycotts sure haven't worked on Cuba I am sad to say.

    Look for Wariner to break some records, if the smog doesn't put him in the hospital.

  3. if anything they should boy cott us. threy do it to their own people. we go overseas and do it to strangers. kinda hard question to answer.

  4. Yes. China has a lousy human rights record, not only against Tibetans, but also against their own citizens (The Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989). History will judge them harshly.

  5. Yes boy cott it now, and boycot London, As well wast of money, drugs have spoiled sports.wast of money

  6. " brutality and barbarism"

    You must be Canadian, otherwise your country has more of a problem than China!

  7. OMG,I thought U Americans are kinda familiar with China,But "brutality and barbarism"??How do U know that??

    Do ya think that we're living in caves and eat live people??....

    For your infomation,most people i met really like the US and US people, for God sake we're not n***s but just normal people like U guys...we watch Prison Break or Gray's anatomy,we talk about  paris hilton's new haircut, some of us like your pres. Bush while some are not,some of us like our gov. while some are not...what's the big deal?

  8. In a word, yes.  And if China remained a socialist state - of any kind - our own Dear Leaders would have maintained the sort of sanctions President Muff maintains against Cuba.

    However, China is a capitalist economy with a brutal totalitarian state and constitution - in other words, a de facto fascist state.   In the 1930s (and, in some cases, right through WWII) the so-called liberal democracies were best pals with these fascist dictatorships.

    They still are best pals with today's fascist states.  If Tibet had oil or uranium, it might be a different matter.  Which just shows how little has changed for the neoliberals since Chamberlain sold 'a small country, far away, of which we know little' to the n***s.

    We can do a certain amount ourselves, by boycotting Chinese goods, calling for an Olympic boycott etc - but, above all, by working for a new politics and the end of the careers of our present political class.

    Let's do it!

  9. I really need to reply?Cuba,North Korea - sanction them when you stop kissing Chinese boody

  10. I was thinking of boycotting b/c of the tainted products that came out of there a little while back.

  11. China is still at its 'People's War'. In fact it is war against its own people.

    China is the biggest Capitalist country when dealing with other countries. But internally, it practices Communism at its worst.

    World community should not only boycott China and Olympics, but take sufficient measure so that countries or people, like Tibetans, who are affected by China's actions are felt secure and live in peace.

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