
Should we break away from the I.R.B.?

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It seems like many are just a disalusioned as myself over this circus led world cup fiasco. So would a breakaway from the I.R.B. be feasible and in the best interests of Southern hemisphere rugby?

Frankly the refereeing would be best suited to Monty Python or similar soap opera. My interest ended when the refereeing became laughable and yet defended by a bunch of "right tie" swash buckling desperadoes, who wouldn't see a forward pass in a brothel.

Kick the I.R.B. into touch?




  1. I think the negative responses to this question are probably not rugby supporters at all but guilt ridden English supporters.

    Blue bull’s comments had some very valid points for persisting with the IRB. However, the points you give I agree with more. I think that the southern hemisphere’s game would develop far better without the interference of the IRB.

  2. Breaking away mate is not the answer. I think that the IRB must look at the video footage of the game and the teams should be able to 'sight' the referees as well. They should be treated the same as the players and if the make obvious blunders, they should be banned for three or four internationals.

  3. You still moaning about Freddie Michelaks forward pass? Its just the rub of the green, sometimes you get it sometimes you dont.Its just sport. Anyway, dont feel bad, the English got revenge for you and sent the French packing. And in 4 more years you can have another go. :0)

  4. Yes. s***w the IRB. They seem too NH dominated and out of touch with the SH

  5. Toys and prams, eh! I don't think your interest of the entire game was really lost when referees became laughable. I think your interest in the game stopped when the All Blacks juggernaut became derailed. It's just a game, mate. Get over it. The defeat was well over a week ago now. There's been four World Cup matches played since that match happened. Get over it.

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