
Should we bring back the victorian workhouses?

by  |  earlier

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  1. In British history, a workhouse, colloquially known as a 'spike', was a place where people who were unable to support themselves could go to live and work. ...Sounds good to me.

  2. Yes.  If a young woman who found herself pregnant had no other option but a workhouse she'd soon change her ways. Contraception is easily available, even the morning after pill. There's really no excuse to get yourself with child and then spend the rest of your life bringing up kids at other peoples expense.

    Unemployed adults could get a taste of the austerity of the workhouse too.  You'd find some sort of a job before going into such a squalid place.

    I agree, entirely.  Well said, whoever you are!

  3. no way

  4. Yes, let's bring back the poor law while we're at it.

  5. LoL! Probably not but I know where you're coming from..

  6. Why would anyone want to be in a workhouse, wives and children separated from the husband the shame and the absolute poverty and squalor..

    But saying that something has to be done in this country to stop people claiming benefits they have neither earned or are entitled to.  I know of people who live on only benefit and are much better off than I and other people who have always worked.

  7. Not as such no but I've said for years that those on benefits should earn them rather than just be given them (I mean jobseekers not disability benefit obviously).

    They could do a sort of community service type thing, working for the local council. They'd then get paid their dole money and also gain work experience and be able to get a reference etc if they do get another job.

    Good idea I reckon!

  8. do you write for the daily mail??

    lets all pick on the poorest people in the country

    its such fun and gives one a smug sense of moral superiority

  9. er NO.

  10. no

  11. we cannot go back in time but my suggestion will be :

    allow children to work from the age of 14

    put down the age limit rensponsobility for own crime to 14 as well

    We don't need that horrid places as workhouses, we need radical change when people in this country has more rights than someone who just came

  12. LMAO wtf no

  13. Would serve the Muslim extremists, right, to be put in one. After all, their views seem to go back to some bygone age.

  14. Yes, and stick you in one.  Maybe then you wouldn't feel the need to make brainless jokes about suffering and hardship.

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