
Should we bring our kids with us to peaceful protests?

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Should we bring our kids with us to peaceful protests?




  1. I see nothing wrong with bringing kids to a peaceful protest; however, I do believe they should be old enough to understand what the protest is about. I don't think that a protest of any kind would be appropriate for someone who is younger than 13.

    There is never anything wrong with showing the younger generations how to become involved in society, and peaceful protests have been around as long I can remember.

  2. I think being taken to protests is inconsiderate of children.  Once they're teens and understand the issue, if they agree, then I think they should be invited.

  3. no

  4. I instantly thought of the song "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who.

    The first lines are:

    We'll be fighting in the streets

    With our children at our feet

    And the morals that they worship will be gone

    Let's hope things don't come to that.

  5. It really depends on what you are protesting. If its an issue that your kids can understand and have an opinion about. Or if your kids are affected by the protests in anyway.

  6. no if you want your children to have an open mind keep them away from your affairs and dont impose your beliefs on them

  7. do you mean should you start teaching your children to stand up for what they believe in, do you mean you wish to include your kids in a peaceful democratic demonstration? why not?

  8. No, I think that you should teach your children that they can have views different from yours.  Tell them how you feel, inform them on both sides of an issue (depending on the age) and let them decide for themselves.

    I know this is a civic example but my son (who is five) tries to please everyone.  He will change sides for whoever is winning.Honestly he can't be a fan of lets say the Bengals, the Steelers and the Browns but three of his favorite people love three different teams.  I told him he can root for whoever he wants and choose who he wants to be a fan of later.

    Yes inform you children but keep them away from any possible danger.  Which is possible at any protest.

  9. If I had a child,I would probably bring them. It also should matter how far you want to take it. Obviously you are not going to start a riot,or anything with your kid there. I have been to a couple of protests, there was a bunch of little kids there. Actually,there was lot of different age groups there. The next one I'm going to is in Boston,at the end of the month.

  10. Decode this lyrics " Dirty old man"

    Messing up little children getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God.

    John 8.44


    "Children are to be seen and not to be heard" which does not change with time but stays in time.

    When the little ones should be in schools

    Luke 21.30-33

    What do you think?

  11. - I don't see why not but recently there was a peaceful protest and the "police" still arrested people:;...

  12. Teaching our kids free speech is an honorable thing to do. A peaceful protest is always just that until the police state decides with the decider that it is wrong then it turns ugly when free speech is suppressed. As it should if you are a true american patriot. The only way for evil to flourish is when good men do nothing. Complacency Kills freedoms.

  13. I don't trust the police around my children.

  14. Maybe from a distance to show your kids what happens when people get caught up in a mob mentality.

  15. Yes, it teaches them that in a free nation you can speak your mind. I think kids at a demonstration/protest are there to learn and witness, not to actually be counted as participants. They deserve to feel that freedom not just hear about it...because that way they will care about it as adults rather than think of it so abstractly that they will give up their rights like sheep. And the way things are going, all rights will have to be fought for, here, on our own land to remind the government that the people are the purpose of this nation, rather than the purpose they imagine: to vote for them.

  16. I would not.  There are too many things that can happen not just from the authorities but from the other side's protesters.  Then there are the authorities who decide to stop a protest by force, the rowdies who want the protest to be less peaceful and start serious damage, and the potential that the authorities may just decide to arrest the protesters to make a point.   If there is an incident and people start running you can easily be separated from your kinds.  If you want them to grow up with strong civic views talk with them, explain your feelings and encourage them to follow their own conscious.

  17. No, I wouldn't. What may start off as a peaceful protest can end up disastrous.

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