
Should we call animal control?

by Guest62809  |  earlier

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our neighbors are very irresponsible. they left for vacation and have been gone since friday morning. their dog has been outside this whole time with knocked over food and water bowls. we came up to give him some food and water and he was whining and looked like he had trouble walking. he was wagging his tail but something wasn't right. he drank, but didn't eat. what should we do?




  1. yes call animal control as this is abuse.

  2. call the vet or animal control and let them take it away, PUNISH UR NEIGHBOURS YAAAA!

  3. I had neighbors like this once, but it was a rabbit. We just got into his outside cage and took him to our house (it was the middle of winter!!). We kept him for years after that and they never once asked about him. We took a cat of theirs in too.

    So I would take the dog in, because I'm like that, and then I would take him to the vet. Simply explain to the vet what was going on. If your neighbors are the type to put up a fight, definitely call animal control. Listings should be in your local phone book.

    Good luck!!

  4. Definitely contact animal control. Any dog left outside for a period of time should have someone looking in on it to make sure it has adequate food, water and shelter. Although some dogs don't eat when owners leave town, it's best to make sure ii isn't a medical issue. Having trouble walking could be caused by a million things but again should be checked out.  I would contact Animal Control immediately in case the dog needs medical attention.  

  5. i think you should contact animal control because if the dog does not eat then it can die.

  6. YES that is animal cruelty. PLEASE call animal control HURRY!!!

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