
Should we cast our pearls before swine? Should we ask questions on YA, or is there a better use for our time?

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Should we cast our pearls before swine? Should we ask questions on YA, or is there a better use for our time?




  1. Yes, almost certainly. Especially with answers like this one.

  2. I can see how some people on here would feel they were doing just that so this is an interesting question! But in that illustration, it would have been clear as to who the swine actually were. On YA, we never know who may be reading the question and therefore it could be presented to others who are not pigs. I think this is an excellent opportunity to reach out to others and is definitely not a waste of time. How else could we speak to people of such diversity? What does appear to be a waste of time is the way in which some use this forum only to bash and hurt. Those people are sad and I am thankful I am not one of them (except for the occasional bash of the wicked establishment)! But for the people who are trying to help, in whatever way they can, I feel there is hope!

  3. I'm not especially fond of getting dopey answers, but I don't mind those at all compared to the innane "not a question or an answer" flag.  That just about has to go!  

    The majority of my questions have been met with great answers that helped me in my decision-making process.  It's always valuable for me to get a second opinion, especially where my children are concerned (I'm not always rational when their happiness is on the line).  

    Some of the answers I've received may seem "piggish" but I don't consider the folks I've encountered on YA to be swine.

  4. Depends on a person's view. Knowledge sharing is certainly is not a waste of time, as it helps people to clear their doubts.

  5. Sometimes I do feel that I have cast pearls before swine when I get smart@$$ responses, but I'm pleasantly surprised at other times when I get intelligent, even moving responses.  So, it's a mixed bag.

  6. There is always a better use for time...however, there is seldom a reason to find better use when one enjoys what they are doing.

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