
Should we change Governments?

by Guest62232  |  earlier

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Here a thought provoker, should we meaning the US, change our Government, To say communisum, or any of the other choices of Government there are in this world. How about we change to a Monarchy. Or we can always go with good old fasion Feudalisum.




  1. Why would we want to do that?  232 years of general success seems to dictate we are doing something right.  Besides, Communism has failed time and time again on a national scale.

    I seriously hope the guy above me is joking.

  2. Good question. I think we just need a smaller, less intrusive form of it. I'm not really sure if the choices above would be beneficial to the U.S, but I know that right now, we don't have much choice anyway. Change of Government is in order though. I heard this morning on MSNBC that only 14% of Americans agreed that we should do a troop surge when they were thinking about issuing it. Question, if this is a true Democracy, why did we go forward with the surge when only 14% agreed with it... Democracy is an Illusion.

  3. No, it is time to get off our overweight butts, and get out and call for a complete overhaul of our elected officials. The Gov. is way to fat, do nothing, useless, bunch of fools, pork barrel fools. Time to stand up and yell, write, call, vote, to change the abuse we now see in our daily Gov..

  4. Alex, all Ten Planks of Karl's Communist Manifesto are already the operating "law of the land" in the United States today. And Fascism and Feudalism are both on the same coin. So rise up once again and pawn your worship to the banner of the "bankrupt" United States.

  5. Stampcollector, you owe me a keyboard! I have spit my coffee all over it reading your answers this morning!

    I think I love you.

  6. No, I'm rather happy with our current government.  In fact I will take up arms to keep it.

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