
Should we change the Constitution to allow only native born citizens to be Senators? House members?

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Should we change the Constitution to allow only native born citizens to be Senators? House members?




  1. No it would be a rather silly thing to do! Think of all the wonderful people that are not US born such as Madeleine Albright!

    This proposal has absolutely nothing what so ever got to do with racism however. People born in America are of all races & colors & people born in other parts of the world come in all races & colors too. Important not to start dragging racism into something where it doesn't exist. The question is on whether it is ok to discriminate based on national origin & not race.

  2. i think that people outside of this country can bring in a better output of the national result for future generations if we were to allow naturalized citizens to become leaders in Congress.....

    I believe it is a foolish mistake to turn away all those people who can better America from the outside realm of this country......

  3. No. We would lose too many fine men and women in both Houses of the Congress if we did that. Good Americans on both sides of the aisle. From the Cuban-born lady of Florida who is a Republican to the Hungarian-born gentleman of Northern California who is a Democrat.

  4. Where's the logic in that?

    Are you saying we should be openly RACIST to certain segments of our communities--and let the WHITE MAN control everything without protest?

    (Yes...I can see how this is going to work

  5. That would only give us more politicians like....Harry Reid! Who is already saying he will block the next Republican presidents judicial nominees and that we've lost the war. He such a smart man and native born (I think). Native born like that would cost us more tax dollars trying to censor those type of idiots.

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