
Should we change the star spangled banner to "o'er the land of the semi-free"?

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Now that the FISA bill says that Americans talking to anyone besides other Americans can be wiretapped without a court order. Most other free nations allow their citizens the freedom to talk to other people in other countries.




  1. this country provides a false sense of freedom to its people.  they act free but in fact, they're all being watched.

  2. If you don't have anything to hide, what are you afraid of?



    What are you trying to hide??

    Tell me!

    TELL ME!!!

    You commie, uh sorry, terrorist SOB!!

    Step in line!

    Salute the flag!

    Seige Heil!!

    EDIT:  Good point Aegis.

    But, how do you know who is on the list.

    Am I on the list?

    Are YOU on the list?

    This talk of lists reminds me of old Joe McCarthy, back in the good old days when you have to prove you weren't something even if you didn't do anything.

  3. The war profiteers have suckered us into generations of military spending. Still feeling free?

  4. What a foolish notion child!  Nobody in their right mind would suggest that FISA would allow what  you suggest.  FISA has been very successful in thwarting further plans by those who would enjoy seeing you and your family dead.  Get some knowledge before you make such foolish accusations.  It is people like you who are hurting our chances of putting a stop to the fascist Muslim Terrorists.  Just look up FISA on Google and see how immature your statement is.

    As far as I'm concerned, we should change the Star Spangled Banner to "o'er the land of the air-heads and the home of the semi-educated."

  5. Sounds about right and it is a good question, unfortunately your question will be  removed by the free-speech censors.

  6. If you are not talking to terrorists why would you care?

    What are you hiding?

    afraid the gov't might listen in to your phone conversations with your " woman" that cost you 4.99 a minute?

  7. You do have the freedom to call whomever you want.

    However, if you call a known terrorist, or a known terrorist calls you, then your call can be monitored without a warrant.

    What's wrong with that?

    It's like this: your house is protected against "unreasonable" search and seizure by the 4th Amendment. This means the police can not just walk into your house without a warrant. However, if the police are chasing a known criminal, and that criminal goes into your house, the police can enter your house without a warrant. Why? Because pursuing a known criminal onto private property is not "unreasonable".

  8. Thank the left for the fact that the term "American" is now loosely used to define anyone who happens to be within our borders.  It doesn't matter where they came from or how they got here, slowly but surely they are being considered Americans.  So, don't let it bother you, the only Americans they are after are those who aren't Americans anyway.  Make sense?

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