
Should we change the stars on the flag to leafs to show concern for the environment?

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  1. that has to be the winner for stupidest idea of the year.

    Most of the "green" movement is opportunists looking for a way to take other peoples' money in the name of "the environment."

  2. How does changing a perfectly good flag that has nothing to do with policy to a new, almost surely unpopular design (that, btw, would cost more and probably cause more carbon emissions from factories because leafs are very irregular shapes compared to stars) show any concern for the environment?

    It's nothing but looking politically correct, which is, a) worthless, and b) always detracting of any real progress no matter what the issue is.

  3. Well, I like the flag the way it is now. I can't really say I agree with what the flag stands for considering most of the states were either bought from or killed for.

    We could make another flag to saddle up next to the original. But I think somebody already has a flag with a BIG leaf on it. Canada. They had the idea long before the United States did.

    I love their flag. I wish I lived there eh. Hehe (A little humor)

  4. They're are already national flags with leaves (and trees too) on them

  5. the flag should have HUGE RANGE ROVERS, BIG DOUBLE SUPER MEGA MCWHOPPER MEAL, A DEVILSH GEORGE BUSH LOOKING CHARACTER, , and PARIS HILTONS FACE all around...seems thats the mains concerns of the US people now a days.

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