
Should we convet all religious institutions into schools, college or universities?

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we need no more temples or gurdwaras. they are fast becoming the bone of contentions. let's take over those places and convert them into place of education. any body thinks otherwise?




  1. No. Just because our country can't be ruled fundamentalistly, doesn't mean people can't have a right to believe in a religion.

  2. Excellent idea,but who will bell the cat?The day someone attempts this will set off a civil war.

    You wouldn't, by any chance,be thinking of solving the population problem ,would you?

  3. Nein mein Fuehrer !

  4. Who are the "we" you are talking about.  If you are in the U.S.  you might want to consider reading a little document called THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION.

  5. Why?  The only reason you give appears to be based upon bigotry and hatred.

  6. the thing is some people still give priority to religious education and on the knowledge which is required to survive in today's world.According to me education should include both the subjects religion and the the things which we learn in school and i think one should balance both the fields and if you take any religion it also encourages one to be complete with religion and other studies in different subjects.

  7. That's a great idea!  Take the ONE segment of education that is graduating well spoken and intelligent students and turn it into the same morass of mediocrity that is the public school system.  Genius!

    Of course there's that pesky little 1st Amendment you have to get around, you know the part that says "Congress shall make no law....prohibiting the free exercise (of religion)."

  8. Try that and there will be a war like you have never seen before.

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