
Should we declare independence from the Atheists?

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I am preparing a speech where I propose that the holy American nation should extricate itself from the web of evil in our midst.

"Verily I say unto you: There comes a moment in a nation's history where, for the good and welfare of the people, and the sanctity of its values and institutions, one must act to preserve its integrity and its divine destiny.

We maintain these truths to be self-evident. All men are created by the Almighty and are endowed with unalienable rights: namely, that o life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Atheist Tyrant, being in denial of the author of these rights, has rejected the principles and the ideals by which are nation was founded.

It is, therefore, imperative that we act to severe any link to the Atheist and his perverse ways.

Let us , my friends and fellow patriots, declare our independence from the Atheist Mafia!"

What do you think?




  1. Prove atheists are evil, or perverse. Or in denial of those rights, rejected the principles and ideals by which this nation was founded, Like freedom of religion, speech? Separation of church and state? It seems to me that you are in denial of what this nation was founded on.

  2. i think it would do you some good to be more open minded, and stop posting questions trying to disprove evolution and bash atheists.

    and people say atheists are the only ones doing the bashing..

    also, in America you're free to believe what you wish. and, this country is made up of much more than christians.

    so, i think it's a pretty ridiculous idea. but, i think opening your mind might be a good idea.  we need less people trying to divide our country, and more people willing to live in harmony, despite differing opinions.

  3. I think you've got yourself a nice hat...not much under the hat...but it's a nice hat.

  4. Atheists don't rule over me, so therefore I don't need Independence from them.  

  5. Have fun trying to overturn the Constitution.

  6. i know lets trick all the atheists to go to New Zealand and destroy it!! those Aussie wannabes have had the island for too Long!

  7. Yes please pack all your belongings and move elsewhere .

    Like anyone needs more idiots in their midst and would accept you .

  8. The Atheati are watching you.


  9. Non American here, and I say yes  and amen and hallelujah!

    GLory To God and freedom to his people...Just as Moses said...Let my people go!

  10. I think poes law comes into effect here.

  11. are you for real?  bigots like you should find a uninhabited island if you wish to be alone!

    you do get that America and most other western countries  have a mix of religions.... its not just Christians and atheists. what happens to  the buddists?!

    atheist tyrant?   you do serve as a lol.  you do realise you are proposing tyranny ?

  12. you forget that there are other religions in your 'holy american nation' other than christianity.

    are american hindus, muslims, jains, pagans and people of other beliefs holy as well? then why should atheism be any exception, pray tell?

    go back under your bridge, mr. troll.  

  13. Despite your poor parapharasing, those are Jefferson's words. You know, the guy who re-wrote the bible and took all the bullshlt out of it. The guy who questioned christianity until his dying day. Oh, and a brilliant man. So, obviously, the two of you have zilch in common.

  14. Make that independence official and move to the North Pole.

  15. As a christen you are supposed to love everybody I think by separating away from atheists you are not filling that command

  16. Your rights come from the people not some imaginary diety. You're wanting to get rid of the very people who gave you those rights. This is a perfect example of the separation of church and state being so important to our very survival.  

  17. My dear Sir, I should very much like to declare independence from you.

    Btw: the text runs: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

  18. You know there was a man once who had a very similar opinion, I believe his name was Adolf Hitler

  19. Um EXCUSE ME?

    Are you losing YOUR personal rights because of ATHEISTS?!

    Is this an ATHEIST country? NO.

    This is the first time a question has made me angry.

  20. My patriotic avatar is cooler than your patriotic avatar.

    Patriotic atheist - 1

    Patriotic fundie - 0

    And, The Atheist Mafia is SO 6 months ago. It's all about The Atheati now. Get with the times, Pastor.

  21. Please describe in what way you are dependent upon Atheists.  If you wish to declare independence, you obviously must see yourself in some state of dependence.  What rights of yours have been violated?  What freedoms of yours have been restricted?  Please elaborate.

  22. I say take you and everyone like you, find an island and let us live a peaceful life.

  23. And we are the the intolerant ones....

  24. Why do you theists control the world, yet constantly claim to be about having your cake and eating it too...

  25. I think it's a fine speech and I can't wait to see it on YouTube.

    Especially the part where they laugh you out of the auditorium.

  26. I think that you have had a busy day. Now take your meds. and go for your nap.

  27. not sure where the f**k you've been but the Xians pretty much run this country

    you HAVE smoked yourself retarded i KNEW IT!!!!!!

  28. Well, a quick game of Cowboys and atheists would be nice.

  29. Tell the truth. Are you an atheist troll posing here to be  monumental embarassment to Christians?  

  30. I'm sorry, but were you aware that this country was founded by more than just puritans? read your history, many atheists came over with the Puritan group, along with others who were not desirable in the church of England the Puritans called these people "Strangers" because they did not share the Puritan belief.

    So, your history is inaccurate, your grammar is flawed, and you're premise is ridiculous, you' also have to many emotional appeals and loaded words to make it of any scholarly value..

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