
Should we deport our smokers to thirdworld countries where smoking is still acceptable? Since we make monetary

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gifts to certain countries, we could make it a stipulation that they accept some of our rejects or they get no more money from us. They would be happy because they keep getting money, and we would be happy because we get rid of our smokers with all the benefits that that entails.




  1. i didnt know that smokers are rejects because they smoke.

  2. I am a smoker, and I only smoke in my car because that is the last place I have left to smoke at (since I choose not to smoke in my own house out of resect for the non-smoker residents-i.e. my spouse and his father). I don't drink, I don't curse, I am a law obiding citizen and honestly, I'm getting really tired of remarks like this. I was born here and I have also served my country and fought for my rights and freedom. If you have a problem with me smoking- don't sit in my car. Maybe you belong in a thirdworld country, your words are a pollution all their own.

  3. I love my cigarettes.

  4. WTF are you calling a reject?

  5. bro i smoke and i am not a reject. When i started smoking you were a sissy if you didnt smoke..there is still some truth to that

  6. I smoke for the else are they going to fund schip programs..they still need help the children of course.

  7. so im guessing you dont like smokers then?

    that deserves a celebration..wheres my cigs

  8. Smokers are not rejects. They are just addicted to nicotene like so many people are addicted to caffeine. Why would we move so many people to other countries. Just because some people are smokers it dosent mean they are bad. They are still human with feelings and needs. What if your mother was a smoker? Would you want her sent ot a third world country?  I think not.

  9. Aren't you going to include people with diseases like HIV or Aids? How about the handicapped, what about people of a different color than you? What about those to smoke marijuana or other illegal drugs? Why not deport those who keep a dirty house or those who only like spotted dogs?

    Why not you for asking such a narrow minded question?

  10. must really dispise smokers! That's kind of sad. If we did deport all of our smokers to other countries, what would happen to all the tax money that smokers pay for every pack? Sounds like a ridiculous idea!

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