
Should we draft able bodied welfare reciepients into the military if our recruiting quotas fall short???

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Should we draft able bodied welfare reciepients into the military if our recruiting quotas fall short???




  1. No, but we should require all of them to do mandatory Drug Testing prior to receiving their monthly checks.

    In many jobs, you have to take a p**s test in order to work, just so you can pay taxes to the welfare bunch.  It's only fair that they take a p**s test to receive my tax dollars.

    What do you think?

  2. Except you wont.  

    Because most of those welfare recipients are rural whites.  

  3. No.  We currently don't have a draft.  It is called the Selective Service.

  4. Serving in the military is an honor, forcing leeches to join will turn off the real soldiers who proudly serve our country!

  5. Heck ya!

    I'm so tired of Arm Chair Warriors. I say that we should require anyone who supports the war to deploy.

  6. No - we don't need or want them if they don't want to be here first.  If they can't make in the private sector what makes you think they will be able to make it in the military?  In my opinion we would spend more time watching them then they would be worth.

  7. Nice to know you think so much of our military members that you'd throw them in with the likes of them. You must be a liberal.

    As mentioned by someone below - if they want to join the military to enrich their lives and they meet ALL the requirements then they have the right to join the military. Otherwise we don't need them.

    Next thing is that we will start drafting all the convicts and people on death row to work with our military so not only with our military have to worry about being killed by the insurgents - they will have to worry about being killed by the trash that the liberals dumped into our military.

  8. Draft isn't needed. All branches continue to meet enlistment and retention goals.  

  9. I have always thought that and I'm glad you said it. I think it should be a requirement if you are of age, don't work, don't go to school and live off the backs of the rest of us.  

  10. I am proud of my military service!

    If a welfare recipient or homeless person wants (I mean really wants) to join to improve their life, then I am for it. But it is not the solution to our failing social problems.

    The military is a group of trained men and women who work hard at serving their country. It is an important function of government to protect and defend our borders and national interests.

    Right now it is an all volunteer force and a force to be reconed with. I wish all the anti-military folks would wake up and realize that they wouldn't have the freedom to post such stupid questions with out the military protecting their right to do so.

    Do you think other militaries around the world would protect the haters? Only in the United States and that is what makes our military beter. We protect those that hate us as well as those who respect us.

  11. LOL and we would hear the "screaming" begin of the unjustice of it all.

  12. YES. And also able bodied homeless people. And we should use child molesters to carry explosives.

  13. I don't believe in drafting people.  A lot of people don't believe in killing.  Also, most people on welfare have children to take care of, so I can't imagine it would help the quota much.  Also, those type of people wouldn't do much good in the military.  Now, that I've given your question serious consideration, I hope you find it in yourself to do the same for others.  I think Bob has the Best Answer here!

    Eraser, I'm not trying to back out of paying the loan.  In fact, I've paid so much already that it should be paid off.  The problem is that I don't have the right to know, in writing, what it is that I owe, so I can't help but think that I'm just screwed here....  They're acting as if I haven't paid any of it off.


  14. Of course if their age range fall within the guidelines.

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