
Should we drill for oil on the Ross Ice Shelf?

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whip : How many divisions does New Zealend have?




  1. Hey!  Great Pope reference!

    I say we drill for oil, burn it to melt some of the ice, and sell premium glacier water.

  2. new zeland owns 90% of that

  3. No, absolutely not.  We should squeeze oil out of Mitt Romney's hair.  There are more gallons of oil in his scalp than any ice shelf.  It's quick & economical.

  4. It ain't ours to drill.   If it was then you know the answer  "Drill Baby Drill"     We need as much domestic production as possible while the alternative is being developed and deployed.    

  5. h**l No. Oil is the problem. No matter where we get it from, we are too dam dependent on it. I don’t believe there is a shortage of oil. And besides, who would be saving the most? Not us at the pump. The big oil corporations.  

  6. Why don't we try a tiny fraction of ANWAR first?

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